The Sleepover

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Sharon and Randy where leaving for the weekend and they had finally decided Stan was old enough to stay home alone overnight. Shelly had moved out about three months ago so he had the house to himself. His parents gave him permission to have a few friends over so he wouldn't be alone in the house but he had a better idea than 'just a few friends.'

Randy came running down the stairs with his and Sharon's luggage in hand.

"Sweetie, hurry up, or we'll miss check in!"

Stan was lying on the couch texting kyle.

~Stan the man~: They're leaving soon. I swear, they're taking forever.

Kyle BROflovski: Nice. I'll start heading over. Did you invite everyone??

~Stan the man~: Yea, and all the snacks are covered. There's nothing to do now except wait for my dumb family to FINALLY LEAVE.

Kyle BROflovski: Alright, see you in a few.

Stan set his phone down and stood up to say goodbye to his parents. His mom gave him a huge hug and a sloppy kiss on the cheek, "Now Stanley, no wild parties while we're gone."

Randy snorted. "Like he's got enough friends for that," he muttered. He laughed as Sharon whacked his arm playfully. His dad brought him in for a side hug and said, "Have fun kid. Be a teenager while you can, beacause being an adult sucks ass."

The three of them waved as Stan watched them march out the door and pile into the car. Stan slammed the door and let out a relieved sigh. The house was his, he could do anything he wanted. He walked over to the CD player and picked something out by 'The Offspring'. He put it in the machine and turned up the volume all the way. He grabbed the T.V remote to use as a microphone and began dancing around and singing along as loud as he could while he waited for Kyle and the others to show up.

On about his fourth song, there was a Knock at the door. Stan Didnt hear it the first few times, but then the doorbell rang and he bolted to the CD player to turn it down. He speed-walked to the front door and opened it. Kyle was standing there with a package of brownie bites, and a six-pack of sprite.

"You look awfully frazzeled," Kyle said. "What where you doing before i got here?"

"Oh nothing much. Just performing for all my adoring fans," Stan gestured our at the living room, where he had imagined a roaring crowd just a few minutes before. "They love me Kyle."

Kyle rolled his eyes with a smile, "oh yes, all the fans with the undying loyalty to you and your wonderful screeching."

"Screeching?" Stan gasped. "That is music you uncultured swine. How dare you try and classify that melodious sound as screeching."

"Yes how dare I," Kyle sighed.

Stan gave a devious smirk up at Kyle, "You ready for the most ultimate night of your life?"

Kyle shrugged, "I guess."

"Why are you not more excited?!  We're a bunch of teenagers, We've got the house to ourselves and we can do whatever. We. Want. The weekend is literally ours," Stan said with enthusiasm.

"Chill dude. I'm just tired. I'm plenty excited for tonight. Who's all coming?"

"Our gang, and Craigs gang. Plus Butters and Tweek. They're all bringing  a snack and a drink so we'll-" just as Stan was finishing, there was a knock at the door.

Stan walked over and opened it, and there stood Cartman, Craig, and Tweek. all holding various foods and drinks. Stan welcomed them all in (Eric, a little reluctantly,) and sat them all on the couch. They talked for a while, Stan and Craig getting into a heated argument about the background music Stan chose, when there was another knock at the door. This time, Kyle got up to get it and standing on the other side of it, was Jimmy, Clyde and Tolkien. Kyle looked in amazement at what Clyde had in his hands. Instead of snacks and soft drinks like the others, he had a twelve-pack of IPA in one hand, and a bottle of S'mores Schnopps in the other.

"Where the hell did you get that?!" Kyle asked bewildered.

Clyde shrugged, "I have a friend who works at the convenience store. He let me buy it, so long as I didn't get him in trouble."

Right as Kyle was about to close the door, Kenny and Butters made their way up the walkway to Stan's house. Butters eyed the alcohol  nervously as he walked in. They all sat down and engaged in light conversation, the previous argument starting up again with Clyde joining Craig's side and Kenny taking Stan's. After a while though, they got bored.

"Guys, we should do something," kenny said. His head was in Butter's lap and his legs were in Stan's.

"What should we do?" Tolkien asked.

"Hey, do you guys remember when we were little and we used to play truth or dare?" asked the group.

"Oh yeah, and Wendy made me kiss Bebe," Kyle said with a look of disgust.

"Do you guys want to play?" Stan asked. "We could take some snacks up to my room and just goof around. It doesn't have to be serious or anything."

"Great, lets go," jimmy stood up, wobbling a big in his crutches, but regaining his balance.

They all stood up and about halfway up the stairs Clyde shouted, "Should I bring the alcohol?"

"Definitely," Stan smirked.

They all went up to Stan's room and shut the door behind them. He had a fairly large room that had gotten larger when he put all his old toys in the closet. (Although he and Kyle still played with them every now and then.) they all scattered themselves around and waited eagerly.

It was Craig who finally broke the silence, "So.... Who's going first?"

Thank you for reading! I'll be updating every other day. Merry Christmas!!

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