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Stan and Kenny turned the corner to get to Stan's kitchen. When they turned, they saw Tweek and Craig.

Craig was sitting on the counter, with his legs wrapped around Tweek's middle. Craig's hands were grasping Tweek's neck and tangling in his hair.

Tweek was standing in front of Craig, running his hands along Craig's thighs and up along his sides under his shirt. Their lips were locked in an open mouth kiss and they were both breathing heavily.

"Dude..." Stan muttered as Kenny laughed.

Tweek began placing kisses along Craig's jawline, Craig turned his head a little and noticed Kenny and Stan.

"Babe stop," Craig whispered to Tweek, pushing him a little bit.

"Mmmmm, why?" Tweek buried his head in Craig's neck.

"Seriously? Right in front of my poor fucking toaster?" Stan crossed his arms.

Tweek jolted backwards, putting his hands up as if he had been caught committing a crime.

There was a long silence, everyone looking from one person to the other. Finally, Kenny broke the silence.

"Tweek wanted some Craig-ussy," He said, trying to keep a straight face, but failing. He burst out laughing, doubling over. Stan started laughing too after Kenny's little remark.

Craig looked at Tweek who was staring at him already.

"Could you... maybe not tell the others about this?" Craig said, cheeks tinted pink.

Stan and Kenny were to busy dying to respond. They had both fallen to the floor and were clutching their stomachs and rolling around.

"Dude," Stan said, regaining his breath a bit. "They were about to fuck on my counter."

"Imagine they them using your olive oil as lube," Kenny was breathless. "Not so 'extra virgin' anymore."

"Dude," Stan grabbed Kenny by the shoulders, with tears of laughter in his eyes. "What if they sold 'lightly fucked' olive oil?"

"AND TWEEK AND CRAI-" Kenny half shouted, half laughed before Tweek cut him off.

"SERIOUSLY!" he shouted. "Can you please just say Craig broke the coffee machine or something? And that we had to fix it and that's why it took so long?"

"Yeah, yeah," Stan waved it off, letting Kenny go. Kenny fell to his side and erupted in giggles.

"You just looked so weird," Kenny was gasping for air.

"Shut up," Craig jumped off of the counter. "Don't act like you and Butters weren't doing exactly that like, thirty minutes ago."

This, should've fazed Kenny but it just sent him and Stan into a further state of loopiness. Maybe it was sleep deprivation, or maybe it was the alcohol, but this Whole thing seemed like the funniest thing in the world to Stan and Kenny.

Tweek walked over to the pantry, looking for popcorn kernels.

"We should probably go back up," Stan stood shakily.

"Yeah," Kenny said, still chuckling a bit as Stan helped him up.

"Hurry!" Stan shouted to Craig and Tweek, leaving the room and starting up the stairs.

"Dude," Kenny said. "That was hilarious,"

"Although it does leave you to wonder," Stan said, a bit to himself. "What would've happened if we hadn't walked in?"

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