4 • Don't Make Me Say It

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Another part to another one of my obsessions! Thank you so much for being here my loves, I adore all of you, really thank you for taking the time to read my work & support me.

Don't Make Me Say It

💌 Warnings; love dovey stuff, Hayden being head over heels for us, Andy being...Andy, mentions of being hit with a baseball bat, feeling less than others, and heat pad hands.

After Andy forced you and Hayden to watch almost the entire Fast and Furious franchise, at some point Andy crashes on the couch, and pulls out a blanket from the big ottoman.

In the center of the living room.

He's been here enough times to know where everything is, the snack stash, the blankets, the pillows, the drinks, the pantry you guys have strictly with shower essentials, he knows it all.

No shame, he takes a blanket and plops right on the couch, it's pretty big so it fits his tall, basketball athlete frame perfectly.

Andy is so tired he doesn't even bother saying good night. That's right he isn't Hayden with all the politeness.

"Night, Barber," Hayden taps his best friend's head as he finds a right position to sleep, reaching for a couch pillow he lies his head down.

Andy's response is a grumble of some sort,

Pres isn't going to be happy when she finds him asleep there tomorrow morning—but hey, that's a tomorrow problem.

You grab Hayden's hand, the house is quiet, very quiet...

Leading him to the foyer, further away from Andy, he smiles and grabs at your hips, drawing you in closer to him.

You forget about everything, and just enjoy him touching you, absently playing with the buttons of his green striped shirt.

"I gotta go..." he whispers at one point, he doesn't have to go. He just wants to get a reaction from you.

You sigh, and continue to touch the black little button at the opening of his shirt, your eyes trained on that.

The house is so quiet you can still hear the way it's pouring outside. And the start of Andy's snoring.

"...it's still raining, and it's a 20 minute bike ride to your school, I don't think Alexandria would approve of that."

Hayden giggles at hearing you say his Mom's name, when he brought you home for the first time, and you called her that and not by Mrs.Drysdale, she almost had an aneurysm.

"So?" Hayden says, just wanting you to tell him how you really feel. You want him to stay. He can see it in your eyes.

"Don't make me say it," your eyes finally look up to him, sharp and narrow, and sassy, "or you can sleep with Andy."

The both of you look towards Andy, on the couch and fast asleep all tucked in like a little baby. A little blanket burrito.

"He has a lot of space, and you saw where he got the blanket from." You motion, and before Hayden can even process anything, you were walking away from him.

He's quick to grab your arm and lead you back into his embrace.

Hayden holds your face, why is it that you make his heart hurt and thump at the same time?

Truth was you didn't want him driving out in that rainstorm, it's dangerous. And besides all that rain isn't good for the bike and it's mechanical factors.

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