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the same day.

khia moniquemarch 11th { saturday }-the uber 📍

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khia monique
march 11th { saturday }
the uber 📍.

camia: damn why the fuck is the crib so far away?
khia: girl you have no patience 😂, it's only 20 minutes away. and it's only been 10 minutes. relax 😭.
camia: girlll so who you think all gone be in da tv show?
khia: i don't knoww. me and quan been arguing every since i landed in florida-
camia: i don't get why won't you just leave him alone. especially since he all the way in atlanta with asian doll.
khia: ok camm...
camia: bestie.
camia: khia.
camia : khia!
khia: huhhh!
camia: don't act like you don't hear me!
khia: i heard you bro! like i get it he's cheating. i'm single now okay?
camia: i'm being fr khia you really needa leave him alone-
khia: i just told you i'm single now.
camia: alright khia. but the moment you go back, the moment ima fuck you up.

ouu she lucky she my best friend bro. she always talking shit, but she's right. i can't een be mad at the truth.

10 minutes later, we arrived to the content crib. i'm low key excited as fuck. ian really got no friends. only friend i got is camia, so i hope with this opportunity i meet new, cool ass people. once the uber pulled up in front of the crib, cam instantly hopped out.

i tipped the uber, and then left

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i tipped the uber, and then left. we heard the door opening, and soon started seeing buba and rella walk out opening up the gate.

buba: yoo baby sisterssssssssss
rella: hey stinkkss
khia: wassgoing fam
camia: wassup y'all
buba: damn khia you brought yo whole house!
khia: you know it
rella: daddy gzzzzz chill on big khiaaaa
khia: yeaaaaaa

i say dapping up rella, i love me some rella😂!

camia: bub can you help us take our stuff i-
buba: no.

rella hit him in his side😭

buba: yo rella what that fuck
rella: *kisses her teeth* come on khia and cam. i'll help you.

rella grabbed one of my suitcases, and duffle bag while i grabbed my other one. buba and camm grabbed camm stuff too. but cam ain't bring as much stuff as i did. two minutes later, we entered the crib and rella took me and cam straight to our room.

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