The party (Pt.2)

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The room faded away as the world narrowed down to just the two of them,

lost in the moment  The kiss was gentle and sweet. 

As they pulled away, rep gently tucked a strand of hair behind Lover's ear. 

"I like you," said the rep

"I like you too," said Lover

they kiss again as they pull apart rep looks into Lover eyes and says 

"You are so beautiful" They kissed again The party continued around them,

 but it was as if they were in their little bubble. They spent the rest of the

 evening talking and laughing.

*The next day*


My head hurt from all the drinking and suddenly everything came back to mind

"I kiss her"

but she said she like me God I should call her


"Hey lover is me Rep"

"Oh hey how are you doing"

"Good I was wondering, would you like to go on a date with me?"

"Sure what time"

"7 pm"

"I will see you at 7 them"

"See you"

I can't believe she said yes I was so happy but my headache was 

was killing me so I went downstairs and got a glass of water and

continue with my day still happy about the date with Lover later.


Hey, here is the end of this chapter the date is the next chapter 

have a great day/morning/night.

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