Scott imagine #1

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Requested by my dear friend Helen Tefa
BTW go check out her stories!

I was walking to school with Scott , my best friend and crush since kindergarten. Stiles is usually with us, but now that he is possessed by the nokitsune, the only thing he thinks about is killing people and revenge. We're trying to figure out a way how to destroy the Oni's and the nokitsune without hurting Stiles and that is something impossible, but according to Dr.Deaton, there is always a way.
Seeing Scott like this hurt me so much. He doesn't realize that even though he wants to , it is impossible to protect everyone from anything.
After a couple of minutes we headed towards our lockers, which happen to be next to eachother's. While I was putting my books inside my locker I asked Scott
"Did you do the chemistry homework?" No answer.
"Scott, did you do the chemistry homework?" Nothing again.
"For God's sake scott did yo-" I turned around only to see that scott was checking out a girl, who seemed to be new. My heart shattered into million pieces just watching him.
I then felt a pang of jealousy. What's the point? I said to myself. He's not gonna want me anyway. Besides, he needs someone to calm him down a bit.
He then turned around but I did too, because I was at the verge of crying and I didn't want him to see me like that. Even though we have been through so much, he has never seen me cry. And he never will.
"Helen, are you ok?" He asked.
"I'll see you later" I responded without turning to look at him and left.

I skipped all the classes we had because I couldn't stop crying. I just spent the whole day sitting on the bleachers of the lacrosse field. Why am I crying over him now? I never cried so much even when he was with Allison, why now? I thought and the tears became more.
"Helen?" Scott asked me. I didn't have to look at him because that voice was now familiar to me. That voice I fell in love with.
"Helen what are you doing here? And why are you crying?" He tried to pull me into a hug but I stopped him.
"I'm really selfish" I said. He seemed pretty confused but nodded and told me to continue.
"I'm selfish because our best friend is possessed by a fucking Asian spirit and there are these stupid Oni's out there that we have to kill and I'm just sitting here like a baby crying over my stupid crush!"Scott now seemed a little angry.
"What did he do to you? Who is he ? I'm gonna kill the asshole!"
"He did ,nothing!"
"If he did nothing then why are you crying?"
"That's the damn point Scott! He did nothing! All these years I've been in love with him and all he does is to put me in the friendzone and find another crush!" I was literally crying a river and he pulled me into a hug. Damn I love his hugs.
"Helen, who is he?" I didn't respond.
"Is it Isaac?" I shook my head no.
"Is it Aiden?" Again, I shook my head no.
"Scott, it-, it's you." Dead silence.
"All these years I've been in love with you and seeing you with another girl or wanting another girl was like stabbing a sword in my chest. I just can't take it anymore.

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