Scott one shot (requested by doubtingscout)

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Scott x sister!reader
Warnings: None, just fluffy Scott😂
Based on season 5A

Lauren's POV

I was sitting on the grass with Scott, talking about senior and junior year.
"I really hope that we won't have to face anything supernatural for a while..." I said while my gaze was fixed on a school bus that just came into the parking lot.
"Yeah, me too." He said and gave me a small smile.
" You, and you. You're coming with me. Now!" There goes our free period.
"Oh come on Stiles!"
"We've got a free period" Scott and I whined at the same time.
"So do I. And so does Theo Raeken."
Me and Scott shared a look before looking at Stiles again.
"Now let's go!"

"Guys, couldn't you find a place that I could get in without feeling disgusted??" Of course it had to be the boy's locker room. The perfect place for interrogation, sarcasm noted. And this time, we're interrogating Theo because Stiles doesn't believe he's actually Theo. Seriously, even if the guy is my best friend, sometimes I think he's nuts.
"I was skating in a neighbor's empty pool trying to do a handplant. No one was home. I'm not that good at skateboard, but I guess I was feeling pretty determined because I completely lost track of time. I didn't realize that it was night until the yard lights came on." Boring, boring and boring. God I wish he would just go straight to the point already.
"On my last try I went down and hit hard. Really hard. While I was sitting at the bottom of the pool, I realized that the board never came down... It came at me fast. I barely had the chance to turn around before it bit me. Right here." He paused pointing to the left side of his stomach.
"It wasn't an accident. He wanted to turn you."
While he was talking I started to observe him. He wasn't nervous, meaning that he wasn't lying. I could see the sadness in his eyes and I kinda felt bad for the guy. I then got a text from my friend Sarah, saying that we start rehearsals in 10 minutes. I picked up my stuff and stood up.
"Were are you going we aren't finished yet?!"
"Shut up Stiles, I'm going to the gym for rehearsals with the girls. Besides, I think you're doing just fine."
"Be careful Lauren." Oh Scott, always being protective. Even if I'm going to the school's gym.
"Sure." I gave him a peck on the cheek, said bye and left.
But as I was leaving, I could swear that Theo was staring at me, and I honestly don't know how to feel about it.

2 hours later

We finally finished for today. I was the only one left in the gym, so I got my bag and headed for the girls' locker room. As I closed the door, I saw Theo standing there on his own, staring at me again.
"Uh, Theo are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm good. How about you?"
"I'm good too, thanks." Damn this is awkward.
As I was ready to turn away he grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes.
"Do you believe me?"
"Do you believe me?"
"Well I didn't hear the whole story so-"
"Just please answer the question?" Why was he acting so weird with me? He seemed calm around Scott and Stiles, why was he so desperate for my answer now?
"Look Theo, we've been through a lot, okay? We can't trust many people, we have to keep secrets. But I don't see a reason why you could be lying to us about this. So, yeah, I believe you. I think." He had a more relaxed look on his face now, but there was something in his eyes that I couldn't understand. He then started to get closer, a little more closer than normal.
"Well, Theo, it was nice talking to you, but I have to go now. Um, see you later, I guess?" He said nothing back and just stood there. I walked past him but he grabbed my hand and turned me around. Before I could realize what was happening his lips were on mine and his hand were holding me tightly by my waist. Why was he kissing me? A few seconds later he pulled away with a huge smirk on his face. "See you later sweetheart". What the hell?

A few days later

I don't know how this happened. Maybe it was because that kiss he gave me on the first day of school wasn't the last, or his smirk. Maybe it was the way he flirted with me and made me blush, the way he made me trust him so fast, even when Stiles told me not to. But I do know one thing.
I'm falling for Theo Raeken. Hard.

I walked down the hallway with Liam and Mason. They were arguing again about their favorite TV show and I was laughing at their stupid argument. However, I stopped laughing when I saw Theo with Tracy at her locker. And he was close to her, like really close. Was this a game to him? Who am I kidding, he never liked me. Tears were forming in my eyes but I didn't let them drop. Not here. Not when he can see me.
"Lauren are you alright?" Liam asked me.
"Guys, I have to go." They looked at me with concern in their eyes, but before they could say anything I was already in the way home.

Half an hour later I heard Scott's motorbike outside. Crap, he can't see me like this! I quickly wiped my tears away and washed my face.
"Hey Lauren! Liam and Mason told me you weren't feeling good and I thought I should check up on you!" I didn't say anything. I then heard his footsteps getting closer to my bedroom door.
"Lauren can I come in?"
"Come in." My voice is cracked because of all the crying.
"Lauren what's wrong?" His eyes were filled with love and concern. I'm really lucky to have him as a brother he's always there for me.
"Nothing Scott, I'm just not feeling well. Thanks tho."
"I know your lying Lauren. Just tell me what's wrong." So I did. I told him everything. And when I finished he was furious.
"I'm gonna kill him I swear to God!"
"Wait Scott please don't! He's not worthy, okay? I just thought he liked me but he doesn't and that's it! Now, can you please put finding nemo on and watch it with me?" I said and gave him puppy eyes that we both know he can't resist. His face softened and he smiled and went to grab the DVD.
"Oh, and can you grab me some ice cream?" He looked at me and shook his head with a smile on his face.
"Anything for my baby sister".

Here it is doubtingscout! It's kinda long to be honest😂
I apologize for any possible grammar mistakes, but I'm Greek so English isn't my native language😊
Xoxo, Dora

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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