𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑-

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IT HAS BEEN 3 MONTHS since my massive breakdown and it's now November 7th. I still haven't talked to George yet, even though he has tried to reach out, and I've been staying with Ethan, Faith and Olive since then. They've been really supportive and understanding and I couldn't be more thankful; Talia's come around a few times to check on me. I've just come back from my 8 months ultrasound and everything is fine but my stress levels are slightly high, no shit.

Me and Ethan are sitting in the kitchen, at the island while I'm on my laptop scrolling through some of my work emails when Ethan starts talking to me.

"Can I do you a deal?" Ethan clicks his phone off and puts it on the island.

"What do you mean? What deal?" I stop looking at my emails and look up at him.

"If you do the 20 vs 1 with us on Sunday I'll get you seats next to us for JJ's fight." Ethan proposes and I ponder it for like the 3rd time today.

"Fine, yeah, whatever." I decided I'd have to see and speak to him eventually.

"Thank you! Seeing as it's tomorrow morning you need to decent disses."

"I'll be honest you men aren't that difficult to diss." I joke smiling at Ethan cheekily.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." He rolls his eyes at me and an email pings through.

"What the..." I open the email to see it's some real estate agent.

Real estate agent? Oh right, the house in Greenwich. I completely forgot I asked for a viewing.

"Oh, Ethan can I ask you for a favour?" I turn my attention back to him.

"Yeah of course what's up?" He raises an eyebrow at me, interested.

"Before all this kicked off me and George applied for an apartment in uhGreenwich because we obviously can't go back and forth from our places with the baby. He just got back to me and said I go view it in an hour. Would you mind driving me, I'll pick up my Range on my way back." I offer with an innocent smile.

"Yeah, sure, no bother." Ethan shakes his head and picks his phone back up.

"Thank you!" I called while taking my phone and laptop to the spare room where I was staying.


I and Ethan driving back to their's in separate cars and safe to say it was perfect. It definitely needed some renovations and styling but I could 100% make it work. I felt like I needed a complete new change so while driving back I decided to sell my apartment and all of my furniture. See what I mean, start completely fresh.

I suppose I could talk it over with George tomorrow but regardless of what he thinks, I'm buying it anyway. I know I could pay it all off as it's only about a million which is really good for a house with 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and a backyard.

As soon as we got back, I picked up my laptop and went straight into the guest room. Throwing, my laptop on my temporary bed and rang my landlord.

"This is Maisie Williams, how can I help you?" She answers after a few rings.

"Hi Maisie, it's Brooke here I live in apartment B on the 3rd floor. I'm looking to sell it, fully furnished." I get straight to the point.

"Alright, not a problem. I can have an inspector round on the 15th of November to have a quick look around and put it on the market if that's alright with you?" Maisie ran down and I quickly thought if I had anything important to do then.

"Yes, that's perfect, thank you, bye." I thanked her, ending the call.

Physically buzzing with excitement, I find Faith in the kitchen on her phone as Olive bounces in her bouncy chair.

"Guess what!" I hum, leaning on the island.

"What's that babes?" Faith smiles at me trying to match my energy.

"I'm selling my apartment and buying the house." I click my nails on my phone ecstatically.

"Wow, that's a big step! Are you sure? I mean I don't know if it's the best idea to do renovations while heavily pregnant because it'd be after you sold the apartment, which is?" Faith trails off.

"December 3rd," I confirm, nodding slightly.

"And you're due the 29th. Like me and Ethan can try help but we have a baby and work we can't be there every day of the week, you know?" She tells me getting a banana out of the fridge.

"Yeah I know obviously but I can try to get it moved up but if I can't I'm 75% sure I can do it on my own. Plus who knows maybe me and George would be back on track." I shrug unlocking my phone.

"That's a good idea, maybe you should just talk to George before tomorrow so it's not as awkward." Faith offers, peeling the banana and getting a bowl out.

"Mm, maybe we should get a coffee or something." I agree, clicking on his contact.

"Fuck it, let me call him to see if he's busy." I put the phone up to my ear and left back to my room. George picks up after the first few rings. I am instantly nervous and don't know what to say.

"Hey," I say softly, sitting on my bed.

"Hey, I've been calling you," George states calmly.

"I know I just needed some time I'm sorry about how I reacted. Combined with the hormones Bean's giving me it's a done deal." I lightly giggle stroking my little stomach.

"It's ok I'm sorry for what I said about Alex I shouldn't have said that." He apologizes and there's a break of awkward silence.

"Look do you want to meet at the apartment I could make us lunch or something." I propose, secretly hoping he would say yes.

"Yeah alright then I need to finish some editing then I'll be right there, about an hour or so?" George approves and I smile.

"Yeah ok I'll see you then."

𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤 - 𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞Where stories live. Discover now