Book Three-9

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The next day, when Yuki had woken up from being around Monama the night before. He wasn't beside her which confused her since he would usually wait for her to wake up before he would go and get up. She got up and made her way quietly to the kitchen only to see that he was talking with Hitoshi which confused her. She came into the kitchen as there was an eerie silence between the two males. "Am I interupting something here?" Yuki asked curiously

Hitoshi instantly looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "You slept over here?"

"Well Neito is my fiancee so yes. Why? Is it wrong that I do?"

"Oh really?" He said before he looked to the blond male across from him. "So that's why you were a nervous wreck. Whatever happened to my proposal towards you last month?"

Yuki was confused as she got closer to the table. "When did you propose to him?" Yuki asked Hitoshi."

"The fifteenth."

Yuki was in thought for a moment before she took the ring off and slammed it onto the table. "That's literally the day he did so to me. I'm not going to be between another feud. Hitoshi you can keep him just put a leash on the bastard." Yuki said before she went to get her medication and left the kitchen.

Yuki then got herself dressed as she heard the two males arguing with one another, afterwards she went to Rosaline's bakery where she got herself something to eat to take her medication before she went back to the dormitory, where she went passed some of the males talking amongst themselves. They were confused on why she didn't greet them and were silent as she went straight to Shinning's office. 

When she did, she knocked on the door and when she had gained access to the room, she went in and she shut the door before she stood in the middle of the room in front of Shinning's desk. "Sir, I am aware of circumstances and the fact that I have stated things in front of the public-but the proposal from Monoma was a fluke. I will not and cannot go forth with it so I have parted ways with him, which means I am back at square one again."

Shinning placed his hand up to keep her from speaking, "I am aware of the faulty make that I ended up stressing you to be around. I will not badger you to be around another hero. But I cannot allow you to go forth with the burden of being without someone. You have a big heart with a lot of love to give to people. So I am uplifting the 'no dating' rule within the agency and any of the males you've worked with are free game for you to be around."

Yuki's golden eyes widened shocked. "D-Do they know that?"

Shinning shook his head. "I was not going to say anything until I knew what would become of you and that faux relationship you had been a part of."

"I...I see. I may need time to be able to mend what was broke first."

"That's all well and fine just don't let it hurt your work."

"I won't sir." 

"Now for the next few months you'll be working with those you've gotten acquainted with and you'll be introduced to a few more people who have worked with the boys as well."

"You speak about HEAVENS from Raging entertainment yes?"

"I do. I'm glad you are at least aware of them being around. Today you will start by getting introduced to two of the males. You will be working with the males in sub groups that have been predetermined. The first three you will work with from here will be Kurosaki, Hijirikawa and Jinguji. The three of them will introduce to you two males from Raging's agency. They already know what they are to do-so just follow them and listen to what they say."

Yuki nodded her head as she listened to what shinning said, she then bowed her head and left out. She went back to the sitting room to see that it had gotten quiet. "Are you boys alright?"

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