Book Three-13

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While they all went to get something to eat, Yuki chose to stay by ranmaru's side due to him being the eldest and the one she trusted the most. While they got food to eat, Ranmaru's phone went off and he let out a sigh. "I swear if that's Rei I'm going to turn my phone off."

"She's always looking for you isn't she?"

"Well yeah, she's pregnant kid. But I can't always be there for her." Ranmaru said with a nod of his head

"Oh..." Yuki said with her eyes wide

Ranmaru said that it was Reina and sighed out before he answered the call. "What is it now babe?"

"Where the hell are you? You aren't in your usual places."

"I'm working. I'll be back before midnight I promise."

"Oh? For once you're actually doing idol work. What are you doing this time?"

"Nothing you need to worry your pretty self about, was there something you wanted?"

"I was hoping you weren't busy today so we could talk more about our child. But if you're busy I can wait until you aren't."

"Listen Rei, I know you're excited that we're finally having a child after so many times you couldn't hold a child. But that doesn't mean that every time we talk it needs to be about that. There's more to our lives than that. We can talk more about this when I'm not busy alright?"

"Okay. I love you Ranmaru."

"I love you too Babe, I'll see you later."

"Yeah..see you later."

Ranmaru then turned his phone off and looked down at Yuki. "You know, it isn't that bad to be around someone kid. And shinning did tell you that you had to be one one of the guys yeah?"

"Yeah, but I don't feel all that connected to any of the others. None of them have given me a reason to open myself up to them."

"Really? Not even Ittoki?"

She scoffed. "I don't want to be used as a rebound."

"Fair-fair. Just know that you aren't completely alone here. If there is anything or one you want to talk about we are here alright?"

She nodded her head. "I'll keep that in mind."

Yuki ended up settling for a crepe and eating it at a picnic booth with the others. While she ate her crepe, Kana sat across from her. "So Yuki, seems like you've done a lot since working with the guys from STARISH and QUARTET NIGHT."

She nodded her head. "I had no choice in the matter."

"Gotcha, so do you have anyone special in your life kid?"

Yuki frowned and shook her head. "No...not anymore."

Kana looked at her upset. "What do you mean not anymore?"

Yuki finished her crepe before she let out a sigh. "While doing things with those from STARISH and QUARTET NIGHT, I had been around two different guys at two different times. The first male I was around was the male I had gotten with while I was still in high school. He followed me to Shinning's agency. I...I was ignorant to what was going on and well...he ended up cheating on me with someone else while I was pregnant with his child. The second male I was with was the male that had saved me from being completely hurt by the commissions nonsense. After I had woken up from a small coma I found out that I had a miscarriage and that the male who had saved me was a complete mess since he thought he got to me in time...when he didn't. I'm rather skilled in hiding how I feel."

"And what happened with that guy?" Kana asked curiously

"His father forced him to break up with me since his father didn't think that I was the 'right one' for his son. I then tried to get closure with the first male I was ever around only for him to go behind his fiancée's back and propose to me. I was a fool to say 'yes' to him and I'm too afraid to get near people again after that."

[COMPLETE Book 1-4] Nothing But Sweeter Thoughts [MHAx UtaPri Love story]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora