Book Four-5

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Yuki noticed just how small it was and made sure her feathers were all by her shoes in a neat pile so they wouldn't cause trouble in the small place. Tokiya looked at her stunned seeing her without all of her wings. "You didn't need to do that."

"Sure I do, I know my wings better than you do Tokiya. Trust me it's for the best that I keep my feathers by my shoes until I need to leave out."

"Alright...if you say so Yuki."

"I do say so." Yuki said with a smile

The two of them talked for a bit on the couch until Yuki ended up getting drowsy and she fell asleep against Tokiya's arm. He smiled seeing that she had fallen asleep against him, he picked her up and had her sleep beside him on his bed as he had his arms wrapped around her. Once he was able to calm his heart from racing so loudly in his chest, he was able to fall asleep contently with her beside him. 

In the morning when he woke up he noticed that she was still asleep. So he stayed at her side waiting for her to wake up as he moved her hair out of the way of her face. He stayed beside her for a half hour before she woke up, when she did and saw him smiling at her, it instantly made her completely flustered knowing that he was so close to her. "D-Did...Did I end up falling asleep on you last night?"

He nodded his head. "It's fine it was getting late Yuki, I'm just glad that I was able to keep you safe last night. That could have gotten rather bad."

She let out a sigh and moved closer to him as she placed her head against his chest. "All of that terrified me. I don't like things like that happening."

"I bet. Did you at least sleep well last night Yuki?"

"Mhm, I did...Thank you for letting me sleep here with you last night."

He smiled at her as he placed his hand against the side of her face. "Of course, you're my girlfriend. I would do anything to keep you safe."

Her face turned bright red under his touch as she looked up at him flustered. "D-Don't say things like that, I...I don't want to end up losing you to words like that."

"You aren't going to lose me."

"Y-You never know."

Tokiya wrapped his arms around her tightly before he kissed the top of her head softly. "It'll all be alright I promise. Let's get up, I rather you not have a bad day today because you didn't take your medication."

She nodded her head she looked up at him. "O...Okay."

Once they had gotten up and Tokiya had made breakfast for the both of them, Yuki went to check her phone only to see that Kyoka had messaged her about what had happened the previous night.

Kyoka: Yuki, we're going to have to relocate ourselves. There's no way for us to be safe where we are now. With what your brother did it has made people become rather hostile and it is unsafe for any of us to be where we are now. Denki and I are staying with Bakugo and Kirishima for now. We want to be sure that you'll be safe somewhere before we chose were to go.

Yuki frowned seeing what Kyoka wrote to her, Tokiya saw the frown on her face as he gave her a plate. "Are you alright Yuki?"

She shook her head and placed her phone down. "No, Jiro and Denki are staying with friends of theirs for the moment. The apartment we were all in has become unsafe for those with quirks, so we have to move out of there. But I don't know where to go...I don't do well on my own. And I rather not go back to the dorms if I don't have to."

"Haruka and you are on better terms right?"

She nodded her head. "We are."

"Then it shouldn't be that bad."

"But I don't trust her, she broke that trust when she went with Monoma behind my back and got pissy when he left because he cheated on me with her. Just knowing what had happened between them in that dorm makes me rather unsettled to be in the same place as her." Yuki said shaking her head

"I see, why not live here with me? I did hope one day to be able to live with you if you said yes to being with me." Tokiya suggested with a smile

Yuki's golden eyes widened as she became rather flustered. "A-are you sure about this?"

"Very sure, we work for the same place Yuki. I can make sure that you get there safely and come back safely. Not to mention any project that you do without me you can tell me everything and I can help you where you need help better if you and I lived together."

Yuki finished eating her breakfast and she took her medication before she placed her hands together on her lap. "You do make good to make things clear for my stupid head to comprehend. You aren't going to be upset with me being here with you yes?"

"That's correct, I want you to be here with me. And if in time we get close enough to one another to sleep beside one another, then we can talk about what to do from there, if and when that happens."


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