Year 3: A Worker - M.D.

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It's been a little over 2 years since N, V, and J have arrived on Copper-9 and it has been an interesting experience, to say the least. In his time of being around them, they all began to treat him more like a casual friend. But they still knew his position, so they didn't question some decisions he had made.

Over the years they have been there, they have exterminated well over 50,000 worker drones. Like he saw the first time he met them, they continued to build their Corpse Spire higher and higher with the bodies they disposed of. He had learned that they were ordered to construct a spire in their pod's crash zone, which made X curious, but he didn't question the companies' orders. No matter how strange.

It has gotten well above many of the buildings around in height, and X is honestly impressed with the result. Which is a massive area to rest inside without the sunlight hitting them. While X was impressed, he was also kind of jealous as his tiny shack couldn't compare to their Spire. He hadn't been back to his pod for a long while.

Besides that, he also got to know his squad more. He had learned that J was very loyal to the company, but seemed more so to him as he was their new leader on the planet. She also seems to hold a lot of respect for him and his experience, which he takes pride in.

X learned V also holds a lot of respect towards him and his strength, which he was happy to have her respect as well. She seemed to always be near him as well because, surprisingly, she was interested in his features as a Second Generation Disassembly Drone. She was constantly asking him to use his other weapons to cause some destruction, but he didn't give into the requests. Most of the time, anyway.

The destroyed buildings in the city were momentous of the times he didn't. While those two were interesting, he found N a relatable one to talk to. N told him that all he wanted to do was be useful. Since he was given this job he always wanted to do his best. X found this very admirable about N, and pushed him to do so over the years.

A little after their landing, he asked them to duel him one on one to see where each of them stood with fighting prowess individually. Each of them had their own strengths and were no pushovers when it came to killing workers, but some of their attacks and strategies were a bit sloppy.

Don't get him wrong, they were good fighters as a Disassembly Drone should be. But he knew he could refine their strengths. So, every once in a while, they would train, and he learned even more from that. X thought back about his duels with them and what he learned during them.

MIni-Flashback Sequence

X and V were currently dueling and it was intense. Both X and V had their swords deployed and V had X on guard. Her fighting style was relentless, never giving him breathing room to calculate his next move. But, this also made her sloppy. 

X was currently assessing her in his find. 'Hm, she's good but too aggressive. It makes her sloppy and more prone to small mistakes. Like this hole in her form.' V lunges at X aiming for her swords to puncture X, only for him to dodge slightly to the right and V falls to the ground while X points his sword to her visor, making her wonder what happened. "Wha-?"

X looked at her with an impressed look. "You're a good fighter V, aggressive and you don't give any breathing room in your attacks. But, that makes you sloppy. You don't notice your own weak points that can be exploited, so that's what we'll have to work on."

V nods slowly, still recoiling from the loss. X holds out a hand to help her up, and smiles. "We'll do training every now and again and I hope you'll do even better the next go around." V slightly smiles and takes his hand as he hoists her up. "Thanks, Bossbot." He didn't mind the nicknames she gave him, but sometimes they irked him.

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