Attempted Erase: FAILURE

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Welcome to the chapter! I'm releasing this one a bit earlier than normal as I want to work on some art for my Murder Drones books and also Drone of Speed. Also with GLITCH X being on November 9th, I'm super hyped for the Murder Drones portion because episode 7 is going to be mentioned! Along with a lot of other stuff!

So exciting! So anyway I'll leave you be now to read the chapter. Tell me what you think n the comments PLEASE! I like knowing what you think of my books! Enjoy!

There was a slow dripping sound of oil in a small room and the sound reverberated off the wooden surfaces.

Suddenly, X's vision goes online and he is blinded by the brightness of a light in his visor. The light suddenly disappears and his vision clears as he takes in his surroundings. He realizes this room is very familiar and tries to remember what happened.

He was in a small room, with various Worker Drone parts all over the room. Along with those were various things you would see on a Disassembly Drone, but they all seemed... unfinished. As he looked, he noticed another drone in there with him. He realized it was N and his head was separated from his body as if in the middle of modifications.

Before being able to analyze more of the room, his body moved on its own and he heard a voice in his head. One he recognized, yet didn't. "Go and find Tessa. She seemed to have escaped her room timeout. Make sure she doesn't get to the gala and interfere."

As the instruction was given, his body became entranced to do as commanded, with his mind acknowledging the command. "Ensure Tessa doesn't interfere, command acknowledged."

He tried to fight against the control of his body, but nothing he did regained control. He was a prisoner in his own body, and come to think of it, he felt as if something was different. As he was thinking, his body began to move towards a ladder leading to a hatch in the ceiling, but as he walked he saw a mirror and was horrified by what he saw.

His body was different, it was more... organic. He had claws attached to what looked like flesh and had wings that looked demonic. With all of that, he also had scar-like welds down his torso, implying internal work had been done.

The last thing that freaked him out was that his visor was no longer his bright orange eyes, but instead a large yellow X, along with a massive sharp-toothed devilish grin on his face. While he had been taking in his new appearance, he remembered that he wasn't in control. He could only watch as this played out.

His body then jumps up and bursts out of the hatch, sending wood splinters everywhere and begins to stalk around the Manor, looking for Tessa. After around ten minutes of searching, he located Tessa. But she wasn't alone, she was with J and they were both fighting V, who had undergone a similar transformation to him.

X then jumped onto the ceiling and began scaling it until he was above the brawl, then jumped down and created a shockwave between the group. Tessa and J got back into battle position and looked cautiously at the new Drone. X slowly turned around and the two gasped, Tessa in disbelief and shock, and J, as if she had lost someone she cared deeply for.

They both took a step back as they heard a chuckle emanate from X and then a voice that wasn't his came from him. "Hello Tessa, how are you tonight buddy?" Tessa and J recognized the voice as Cyn's immediately. "CYN! What the bloody hell have you done?! What are you trying to do?!"

J had grown angry as well, mainly due to seeing a friend being used as a puppet by Cyn. "Why would you do this to X?! He treated you like a sister, you freak!" Cyn's voice came through X's body and responded cryptically.

"I made him better, all thanks to the mutations I made in his OS. Now I will be able to kill off your miserable family and race." Tessa poised her sword, ready to charge at X. "You act as if we'll let that happen!" Cyn just looked at Tessa with X's twisted smile.

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