1/ Potioners Fate

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It was August 2nd 1988, a girl with long golden brown hair was in her gardens tending to the ditity plants. Her father was inside brewing potions as usual and used the girl as his personal assistant. Leaning over the pots and eager chomping cabbages she expertly grabbed the exact amount her father needed. Heading back inside the towering cobble house she evaded the scampering house elves. With haste she made way back down the dark hallway of her parents offices.

"I've brought the dititany and mandrake essence you asked for father." She announced as she walked through the engraved door. Making her way to the man he urged her to walk faster.

"Good good hurry, I must finish this potion for the ministry." He grabbed up the ingredients sparing no time to drop the leaves into the brew. "You may leave now."

"Can I not stay father? I'll be quiet, i promise." She held pleading eyes towards the man with graying hair. He looked up to her with a shake of his head. "I'm sorry darling, this potion needs my unwavering attention. I can not make a lesson of this tonight."

She looked slightly deflated but nodded understanding. "Another time then, father."
He hummed in response turning back to the broiling caldron and with a wave of his hand she scurried off.

Out of the study and down the grand hallway she made her way up the twisting stairs. Running into a taller gaunt boy he sneered down at her, "Get out of my way you pest."

She took a step back as he rammed a shoulder into her own. Grunting she steadied herself sneering back at him. Brushing off her brash older brother, she trailed down the hall to her quant cozy room.

Huffing she fell back into her desk chair. Grabbing up some parchment and books from her family's library she started taking notes. Flipping the pages of a book from her brothers 6th year potions until she landed on the page she scoured for.

"The essence of mandrake and it's uses." She mumbled grabbing a quill readying herself for her unhealthy obsession with potions to take over. It was the only form of magic she could even weld and she'd be hell bound if she wasn't going to be the best at it as she could.

Stealing books from her father's study and sneaking Jaden's old school books from his room. She was fixated on learning everything and anything she could about potions. Not to mention her own endeavors to make them. She had stacks upon stacks of bottles hidden all around her room. Taking every opportunity that was given to her to make and experiment with them.

The truth is the golden headed girl was a squib. Born in a family of pure bloods without an inkling of magic. They held high standards for her and her brother. If she couldn't weld magic and learn at the same rate as Jaden, then they'd make sure she was at the top of everything she could without magic.

"No excuses" her mother always told her. She was to be the best at everything they threw at her. The frail girl took everything they gave with her head held high and a prideful grin.

"Returns cursed individuals back to their original state? Hmm I wonder why the ministry needs with it?" She hummed tapping her quill against the ink stained desk. Flipping the pages once again she started reading on the properties of mandrake roots, something her father asked for earlier this week.

"Healing ability's.... Restorative draught? Hmm the ministry must really need someone healed, requesting so many of these from father all of a sudden." Jotting down more notes on her parchment she heard the clicking of heels coming down the hall. Sitting up straight in her seat she shoved all the books of potions and magic into her drawer and brought out her french textbook. Flipping to a random page acting like she was studying.

Her mother abruptly opened her door, not a hair out of place on the stony woman's head. "There is a professer here to see you." She curtly state ushering her to follow her as she left the room.

Slightly confused the brunette stood and started after the posed women. Catching her in her wide strides. She descended the winding stairs into the foyer seeing a old man with a long white beard. He smiled at the sight of her greeting her like he knew her for years, "Ah Layla! How wonderful to see you again."

Slightly puzzled she gave a curt nod and a slanted smile. Her mother interrupted her from speaking, "here right this way we can have a chat in the parlor." Guiding him towards their beautiful living room filled with expensive decorations and plush antique couches.

"Perhaps I could talk to Layla alone Mrs. Stone? I just need to have a quick chat then I'll be on my way." He stated sitting down gingerly. Mrs. Stone nodded agreeing looking to her daughter, "Yes that would be fine. I'll go put on a pot of tea for you, Albus."

She exited with her usual haste, giving a slight side eye to her bewildered daughter that sat on the sofa uncomfortably.

"If you don't mind me asking who are you, Sir? I don't think I've ever met you in all honesty." Layla spoke unsurely with a quizzical expression on her face. The older man gave a hearty chuckle and smiled back at her "yes I suppose you wouldn't remember me. Your father was one of my students at Hogwarts a long time ago."

This piqued the small girl's interest, ears wide opened now. "You taught my father?" She stated with her eyebrows raising, slightly leaning forwards. The old man nodded, "Yes he was one of my brightest students in his fifth year, that is until he moved to Drunstrum." She nodded knowingly.

He went on smoothing his beard. "I would like to offer you to enroll at Hogwarts Miss. Stone."

Layla visibly taken back opening her mouth to speak "i- i- what?" She uttered completely frazzled.

The older man nodded slightly amused with her shock "I'm a squib surely you know that sir."

"I'm not so sure about that my dear child." He was cut off abruptly as her mother walked through the archway into the parlor. "I've made you both mint tea." Her mothers slim hand setting the tray on the coffee table with elegance. Handing Albus a cup filled to the brim.

"Thank you, Lilan. It's absolutely splendid" he praised as he sipped the hot tea. Mrs. Stone gave a small smile and a quick thank you before she made way out of the parlor.

Still baffled Layla was muttering to herself trying to come to so kind of reasoning why this old man would suggest such a thing.

He sipped once more setting his cup onto the tray. "You must be very confused right now dear. But i have heard a prophesy that entitles you to great magic and daring feats." He looked at her expectingly. Her eyebrows furrowed even further.

"Great magic? Daring feats? Surely you heard wrong, i can do nether of those things. The greatest feat i could achieve is potions. And that's not much sir." She shook her head profusely rejecting the whole idea.

He gave a slight chuckle "I've heard nothing wrong Miss stone it is you that the prophecy has foreseen. However; I can not explain anymore at the moment though. I must be back to hogwarts soon. But." He stated standing up. Layla's eyes darted around the room looking to see if anyone was ease dropping. "I shall call you to Hogwarts in two weeks, after I figure out what the rest of the prophecy for tails." She stood nodding with her eyebrows still furrowed looking at him hoping he'd explain further.

He gave her a pat on the back and kind smile. "This is very sudden but i will be ready." He only nodded and headed towards the door to leave. "Goodbye Miss Stone I will see you very soon."

And with that the tall elderly man was out the door leaving the bewildered girl to her thoughts for the next few weeks.

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