3/ Time crunch

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Truthfully, these two days had gone by slow and agonizing. i didn't know if i wanted to start out this journey now. I hated the feelings I was having, existential dread weighing on my shoulders,
incomprehensible responsibility.

I had sent my father a letter this morning not letting him know of my soon departure from the world I grew up in. But sending him a heartfelt letter about how I cherished him and the time we have spent together. I wanted to let him know that I cared about him one last time before I was away for however long this shall take. Whatever was to happen I wanted to leave him knowing I cared and was thankful for his undying support.

Stomach churning, I climbed the stairs to dumbledors office. I felt like I was going to throw up but I had to put on a brave face even if it was fake, I need at least some confidence going into this all.

I hesitated before I knocked on the door. Trying to gain some final confidence, I breathed in and back out. Knocking on the door three times I waited for him to signal to come in. Nervously twiddling with my ring I heard him shuffle at his desk and grunt out a come in.

Swinging the door open I was met with his light blue eyes looking straight at me. He waved his hand for me to walk in and i did with my head held high. Walking next to the chair that sat in front of his golden trimmed desk. I stated confidently "I'm ready to go." Sliding my trunk to sit on the floor. I looked back up to him and he nodded standing up.

"Very well you know what you must do. Turn the dial on the watch until it says ' August 29 1891' once it says that exact date press the dial down. Once your ready to come back you do the exact same but set it to todays date 'august 19th 1988' do you understand?" I nodding taking the watch out of my pocket staring down at it. My hand was slightly shaking as I opened the watch to see the displayed time.

"You will need money whilst your there," he started ducking down under his desk grabbing a quite small black and silver bag. Pushing my brown hair behind my ear i started to decline but he hushed me.

"It's an enchanted bag it will hold anything big or small. I hope it serves you well." He smiled kindly towards me as he gently put it in the palm of my hand. It wasn't even heavy to the touch. I flashed him a big smile "Thank you Headmaster. I'll treat it well." He patted me on the shoulder and turned to the pocket watch in my hand.

"You will be meeting with Professor Elaziar Fig once you get there. In the note book you have the directions of what to do once you get there." I nodded along having read over and over of what i had to do these last two days.

"I'll be appearating us to London as that will be where you stay for the night, first thing in the morning remember. Don't be late to the specific time of meeting. And remember no talk of anything past their timeline they must not know what is to come. No matter how ugly it is. It has to be as if you were never there." He explained throughly looking straight into my eyes very seriously. "Yes sir. I'll try my hardest to keep everything under wraps." I stated confidently even though i was feeling quite light headed at the moment.

He nodded once more as I hoisted up my trunk. He held out his hand for me to hold, I grabbed on gently and off we were through the sicking spinning and grey vision we made it to London. In a grim hidden alley, taking my hand from his i wobbled slightly trying to regain my balance on the broken cobblestone.

He pointed to a corner in front of us and stated "that is where you will met Professor Fig tomorrow. Please don't be late the lives of all wizard kind are in you hands Layla." And with that he apperated away. Letting out a shaky breath, i closed my eyes focusing on the task at hand.

I must do this, there's no turning back now. I could turn back now and simply go home, but I couldn't think of that. I shuffled the trunk in my arms and fixed my bags to be placed firmly on my shoulders. Gripping the watch in my hands I turned the time all the way back to 'August 29, 1891 at 10:00pm' hopefully this alley exists back then and i don't get smushed under a house.

Which way's home?    A Hogwarts Legacy story.Where stories live. Discover now