2/ Cryptic conversations

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Layla's POV

The two weeks that he left me to stew came and went. My parents we ecstatic at the fact I'd been enrolled into Hogwarts. Especially my father as he had grown up there his whole childhood. My mother on the other hand was quite unsure about it. She much rather me be with my brother attending at durnstrum. However my Fathers opinion out ruled my mothers any day. Plus I'd been a squib all my life and still am one to this very day so no wizardry schools wanted me.

Sighing I grabbed up all my bags and trunk. I'd be arriving early to Hogwarts at Dumbledors request. Someone i now learned was the headmaster at Hogwarts. Grabbing my shoes I slipped them on and started my way out of my cozy room down the hall.

Seeing my brothers unruly mop i scowled. "Off to play pretend I see?" He teased leaning against the banister with a cocky smirk on his face. "Anything to get away from your stench." I coolly stated walking past him going down the stairs. He was hot on my heels already barking an insult back, "stench? You must be smelling your own blood, filthy squib. I'm embarrassed to even be considered your brother." I rolled my eyes pushing one of the falling bags back up my shoulder.

"Truely how do they expect someone like you to preform in a school like that? I guess the prestigious Hogwarts isn't as father says it is." He gave my shoulder a shove trying the get a rise out of me. Ignoring him I made way to the door opening it harshly. "Goodbye Jaden" i spat and briskly walked to my father that was waiting by our trimmed rose bushes.

"I'm ready to go father." I stated with annoyance still floating in my voice. He turned to me with a gentle smile "Are you sure you have everything? I don't want to aparate back for some small thing." He started with a eyebrow raised.

"I'm sure I have everything I need. If i forgot something I'll just have to deal with it." I shrugged breathing in the sweet smell of roses to calm my nerves.

He eyed all my bags and trunk i lugged in my arms and nodded giving me a wide pearly smile. "I'm happy you can experience the magic I did growing up. I hope you enjoy it throughly." I nodded as he held out his arm for me to take hold of.

He aparated us in an instant flowing through the air feeling like I was falling would never be easy. But as quick as it came it had gone both of our feet firmly on a stony pathway. Sighing I shifted the trunk i still held in my arms.

My father let out a chuckle and took hold of my elbow and we made way to the colossal castle that was in front of us. It was marvelous, the biggest building I'd ever seen in my life. Gothic style architecture with grand doors and windows. Ginormous towers popping out from every corner i could see.

"Gorgeous isn't it!" My father cheered he held a warm smile that made me feel like I was in the right place for the first time. "It's magnificent!"

"I just know you'll have the best time here!" We trudged along into the castle as my father explained every condor and statue. Revealing in memories of when he was younger. I eagerly listened, he always had the best stories though he rarely shared as he was always busy with ministry work.

"Ah down there is the slytherin common room we got up to so much in there. Many crazy parties and long nights." He chuckled

"You were a Slytherin?" I asked he had never told me what house he was in at his time here. "Oh no I was a Ravenclaw but all my friends where Slytherins mostly." I nodded taking note as we ascended the winding stairs. We soon got all the way up the tower and past the trophy room my father abruptly pulled me into looking for his medals he won in quidditch to see if they still hung them up.

He apparently had been a great keeper. I knew he had played quidditch but never to the extent of him being rewarded for it. He was unearthing a lot of new things about him I had never known.

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