4/ Ancient Magic

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      Smacking the wet ground hard, I landed with a grunt. "Oh my." I groaned trying not to move. "Are you alright?" Professor fig asked as he got up next to me. I hummed in response slight groans erupt from me as i roll over onto my back.

"Your hurt." He said bending down next to me. "Maybe a rib or two" I tried to joke, sitting up wheezing. "Here take this it'll right you in a second." He handed me the familiar color potion of wiggemweld. Downing it in a gulp I felt a tingling sensation run all over my body. Sighing in content i hoisted myself up. "Poor george i can't believe he-"

"What the hell got into that damned thing attacking a carriage mid air?! A typical dragon would never." He let out frustrated, pacing back and forth. Wheezing still i looked around, we seemed to be in a muddy overgrown cave.

"Sir where are we." I asked limping slightly towards him holding my side. God i looked a mess my clothes completely muddied as well as my hair. My hand dripping blood, i grabbed my handkerchief and bald my hand up.

"Im not sure, but that key you discovered was clearly port key." He stated trudging towards the opening of the cave. "Lets look around" I let out following after him.

"Stay close" he said as we creeped out into the open. It was beautiful out here, down below was crashing waves upon the cliff we stood, with a huge temple of some sorts in front of us."We're somewhere in the Scottish highlands, this has not been the day ether of us expected. But Miriam sent that port key to George for a reason. If your sure your alright and wouldn't mind indulging me I'd like to have a look around." The wind howling in my ears i nodded "I'm fine, let's see where this leads us too!"

We both started down a winding path down our right, try my best to not look down the hefty drop. I focus on professor fig and what he was rambling about. He vaulted some stones and helped me up them on our way down this odd path.

Professor fig was talking about his late wife, "but sir, why was your wife searching for evidence of lost magic?" I asked hopping down one last step. "Miriam wanted to understand why such powerful magic disappeared from the wizarding world- spoke of the good it could do."

He looked to me as we halted in our tracks "but magic is no different than any power. What really matters is the one who Wields it." His light blue eyes pierced mine. I nodded along, 'I had no clue such magic even existed'.

I looked over to my right to start our trek again but our path was blocked by a glassy wall. "Is that ice?" I asked with a quirked brow.

"It's not cold enough here," professor hummed looking at the wall with his fingers resting on his chin. "It appears to be a sort of enchantment... someone wanted to block this path."

"Here let me teach you basic cast while we're hear, it should break this in an instant." He mused gesturing me to pull out the borrowed wand. Hesitantly I pulled it from my coat pocket, looking to him for direction.

He held his own in a similar fashion and flicked his wrist in one smooth motion, a red spark flew out of his wand hitting the glass wall, giving it a slight crack. "Just as I demonstrated. focus on the power you feel at your fingertips and let it pulse through your wand, dear."

I didn't feel any magic at my fingertips as he said, but I practiced the exact motions he made. "Good now with the intention to break this wall." He praised shifting in place twiddling his fingers.

Nervously i did as he said, nothing but a light orange spark came out of the end of the wand. Now embarrassed I shuffled in place backing up a step, letting out a sharp breath. How on earth was I supposed to even cast a simple basic cast. It had never worked my whole life.

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