My Life

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Hi, my name is Amber. I have beautiful long brown hair and amber-colored eyes. I'm 15 years old and I live with my 20 year old sister, Skyler in a small house which is a mile away from neighbors except for my best friend Hazel, of course.

My typical day:I wake up, get ready, eat breakfast, and go to school with my sister. After school, I go home and I pick some fruit from the fruit trees and bushes. By then, I hang around with my older sister, Skyler, and my best friend Hazel.

Once the sky starts to darken, Skyler, Hazel , and I go outside and run into the area where it is still open but there are a few trees and bushes. After that, we all say ,"I wish I was a horse." Then, a blue swirl of magic surrounds us and we are lifted off the ground. The magic spins and twirls around us, and lifts our head up and lowers us to the ground as beautiful horses. Then,we run around and play until we are tired, then we turn back into a human by saying " I wish I was a human." When you are a horse you can still talk like a human but you can also make horse noises. Then, a blue swirl of magic surrounds us and lifts us off the ground, and spins and twirls around us until it lowers us to the ground as our normal human selves.(When you turn into a horse your clothes are kept safe until you turn back into a human.) Once we go back to our house, we eat,sleep,and repeat.

Hi, Guys! I hope you liked the first part of my story. It isn't the longest part, but it is sort of an introduction to what some of the story is going to be about. In this story I am looking forward to adding twists and turns and maybe adding suggestions from my readers. Please don't hate, always be nice,and enjoy!
Love, Huskydawg

The Secret HorseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz