The Unknown falls

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Before me, a waterfall probably 50 feet high towered over us. The crystal clear water poured down and into a beautiful pond. The water looked so welcoming, beckoning me to step in.

"How have we not known about this?" I asked, breaking the silence between us. "I don't think we've gone this far before.." Skylar reasoned.

At this, Hazel and I looked and felt like the world had ended. Since Hazel and I were at a loss for words, Skylar said, "We have to go, we don't have much time." 

I sighed, and feeling that I had no other choice said, "Okay. We have to trust Skylar ,H-Hazel."

Hazel and I slowly walked toward the forest when Skylar said, "Go! Hurry! Run as fast as you can! We don't have time! Go!"

I had to put all of my trust in my sister. She wouldn't make us do this if it wasn't important, so I ran.

At that moment, it felt like I had never been colder in my life. My wet coat was making things so bad, that I would sometimes stumble because my legs were all shaky.

Skylar pointed to a large tree to stop under for a minute. We dashed under the safety of the tree and huddled there like penguins in Antarctica.

Among the awkward silence, you could hear the howling of the wind and snow, the chattering of our teeth, and our jagged uneven breathing.

Then unexpectedly, "I told you we shouldn't go out that far!", Skylar raged.

"I...." I was at a loss for words. While I felt that this was partially my fault, I'm not the responsible one here. I sighed.

"Skylar, we're just kids. We don't know any better."

I realized just how stupid the words sounded as soon as they came out of my mouth. Here was an almost 16 year old girl, sorry, horse, whose excuse was, "I'm just a kid." What?

Clearly outraged (and half confused), Skylar fired back, " You're almost 16! You should be old enough to be responsible and make good desicions!"

And yet, here we are., I thought.

"I'm not the one in charge, Skylar! Couldn't you have stopped us if you knew this wasn't a good idea?"

In an extremely annoyed and harsh, firm tone, Skylar replied,"I could have yes, but I was testing YOUR responsibility. And clearly...." she looked away slowly. Then she snapped around quickly to say," YOU DON'T HAVE ANY!!!"

I thought to myself, Oh no she didn't... She did not just go there....


After that, all you could hear was a bunch of jumbled up arguing. All of a sudden...

"GIRLS, STOP!!!", It was Hazel. I had almost forgotten that Hazel was even here. And, the awkward silence. Awwkward...

"We haven't any time to waste! Let's go!", she urged.

Skylar lowered her head, disappointed with herself for getting carried away and forgetting about what was of most importance.

"You're right Hazel, I'm sorry... Let's get going." Skylar paused. "And remember, don't stop until you reach the house."

We charged toward home. The snow was up to our ankles and I was frozen down to my bones. While I was running I heard a really loud thump. Then I slowed down and looked to my left. I realized that Hazel wasn't there any more.

Hey, Guys! I hope you enjoyed this part. I personally thought it was pretty interesting. Sorry it took awhile to upload!! Keep reading to find out what happens next!!!
Love, Huskydawg ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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