Horse Bloods

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First of all, you may be wondering how this is all possible. A human that can shape-shift into a horse is called a horse blood. To become a horse blood, you have to develop a love and passion for horses at the age of 10 and say, "I wish I was a horse." The reason why the age is 10 is because most people would forget about horses at this age. So, it's sort of like a test to see if you really have a passion for horses.

Just a clarification, horse bloods do not work like werewolves. We just go outside at night because during the day we have a greater chance of being seen.

Only a handful of people in the world are horse bloods. But there are a few clues that can help a horse blood detect one of it's kind.
1. Amber-colored eyes
2. LOVES horses
3. Doesn't own a horse but is allowed to

If someone is allowed to get a horse but doesn't own one and LOVES horses and has amber-colored eyes, chances are, they are a horse blood. Then again, it could be a coincidence. But these are the main things you can use to find out if someone is a horse blood. If you are questioning a real horse blood these specific questions, they might not answer because they are suspicious of your intentions. Or, they might answer because they believe you are a horse blood as well.

Horse bloods don't own or ride horses because it is sort of like capturing your own kind and riding on your own kind. And for the record, it seems cruel to horse bloods because they have experienced being a horse and being free, and fear that someone would take them away from their freedom.

The color of your hair plays a small part of which color horse you shape-shift into.

These are the horses we shape-shift into:
Amber: Chestnut horse with a white stripe down her face with a brownish chestnut colored mane and tail

Skyler: Black and white paint horse with a black colored mane and tail

Hazel: Tan colored quarter horse with black and white "socks" and a black colored mane and tail

All with amber-colored eyes of course :)

As humans, Hazel and I are the same height and Skyler is less than a foot taller. Skyler and Hazel both have long black hair.

Hi,Guys! I hope you all enjoyed learning about horse bloods. I had to make a part dedicated to this because otherwise I would have to explain as I go and that would be very annoying! So if I forget anything I wanted to explain about horse bloods I will make sure to come back and add in whatever it was I needed to explain. So please comment, vote, and subscribe if you are enjoying this book so far! Don't hate, be nice, and enjoy!
Love, Huskydawg

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