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out of his abrasively burdened chest that seemed to sink with an unprecedented weight of pressure. laikyn felt as he stood outside of his body, watching as he struggled with his own breathing like a suffocating imp, trepidatied completely by what he saw, abandoned by his only connection who had been seemingly led astray by what laikyn assumed to be her poulchatel- the title for the vampire she was a hostess to in simpler words. even so, laikyn wished she wouldn't have simply left him there, especially when he had no awareness of many social situations, this one least of all.

laikyn had never been good at socializing. it wasn't that he didn't want any friends- the quiet man just wasn't the best at making any, and resorted to staying close to the one he had been given but he supposed at twenty-three he could not follow her around like a lost puppy. laikyn wondered what to even do as he scanned the scene with his docile, citrine eyes. he was not quite sure about being a host in the first place. sinayah had told him of the quantity of money that it paid, but laikyn wasn't sure still- all money was not good money, and he had learned that.

laikyn rivera-gold was the adoptive son of a widely known reverend with a few churches back in the state he had been born in; tennessee, a quiet, mountainous scene of religious will, pitch black night, and bent knees over lumpy beds with foreboding mouths uttering silent  prayers. laikyn was raised by the first lady, the pastors wife, a strict, god-fearing woman whom always smelled of baby powder and the hair wax she rubbed into his sister's thick, dark brown locs that kissed and sung under the heat of the flattening iron. his sister worn pretty dresses to church with lace and bows, and he wore white shirts and starched khakis, but sometimes, in the silence of the dead night, his sister gave him his own lace.

laikyn knew that he looked a fool standing astray in front of the room, desperate to take the attention he hoped he merely imagined off of him as he slowly navigated his shaking legs to a lone booth, but he didn't quite make it there.


the man turned around, his coral-colored curls falling over his anxious, fawn eyes that glanced up.


"strawberries," the man repeated softly, accompanied by the warm smile he gave to the fearful man, his plump lips the color of crushed pomegranated, so vivid laikyn could not tell from what and feared what might've colored them so alluringly. "you smell like strawberries."
"really?" laikyn asked, somewhat puzzled, distracted as easy as he was unnerved, though panic still frisked over his reddened discretion as he pondered on what to say to the beautiful creature, led with the very first thought that came to his unassuming mind. "m-maybe it's my body wash."

the rather youthful-presenting figure who did not appear, in picture, to be much older than laikyn gave a small acceptance of a laugh, a fleeting amusement that escape from in between his lips, a rather handsome, charming sound that matched the image of its preceptor. his skin was contrasting to the common occurrence, a tanned yet somehow depthless caramel, flawless in its perfection and somewhat reliving to laikyn. it emphasized the depth of his crimson provision of sight, seeming to match the flesh of a pomegranate, adjacent to the color of his plump cupids bow. though laikyn could not quite tell which one, the man's features seemed to have an ethic blessing- a strong, lifted nose adorned with a septum and a almost triangular set of monolids. his thick, refined brows peeked from his raven mane of straight, somewhat unruly presentation of satiny tussles of black that was cut above his ear in the front but cut off at his jaw in the back. his elegant, sharp jaw elongated as he gave laikyn an almost benevolent smile, almost gentle in its approach of the freighted man. he was so beautiful, laikyn almost forgot he was a vampire- that is, until he saw his sizeable, shiny white fangs that immediately wiped the smile off of the younger's face.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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