Before reading I'd like to say that this fanfic literally came off randomly lol😭 I wanted to keep it as a draft but it was turning kinda yk interesting and all, so I decided to continue it.

If someone is ever going to read it, please lower your expectations, it's not that good (it sucks), even though it could be worse.

Plus I want to say that English is not my first language, and so the original version of this story is in Italian (the writing style is way better in there).

That's it, have a good time reading this <3


"I don't like you anymore"

Those were his words, that broke my heart and made me drown in the abyss of my mind. The words that changed my life.
Even though, those were the words that made me grow up, and in a sorta way to keep going.

[4 years later]

"Hey Lix, can you go buy some milk?"

I looked at Jisung, my roommate, while I was busy with my phone.
"Did you finish it already?"

He nodded and handed me some money.
"But I didn't even agree!"

"Oh come on, soon I'll have to leave cause of my date so I don't have time for shopping. Plus, the mini market is not that far away from here"

"Hm, Fine"

I snorted, even though I couldn't say no to him. The moment I stood up I went and grabbed my jacket, leaving the apartment.

I was living in there for 6 months, I already was 21, and I could pay the rent since I had a part-time job in a local who was nearby.
Plus, I had the possibility to go to a good university and since it was in the center of the city it was really easy to move.

I remember how happy I was in that period, it was also hard, sure, but those were no doubt my happiest years ever (for now), I could feel the freedom and I was purely enjoying it.

I arrived at the mini market within 5 minutes more or less, as I entered I immediately went to the dairy department.
It didn't take a lot to find what I was looking for, so I grabbed the casing of the milk and I went to the cashier, when something just caught my attention: a pack of 24 sneakers. They were quitted from the market since forever and it was really hard to find em in Korea.

I couldn't resist, so I took em too.

"It's 21.400 won (15$)"

I grabbed the money from my wallet and I handed it to her, but suddenly some of em fell to the floor.
"Ah sorry wait a sec"

I knelt to take em, but someone in the distance caught my eye.

He looked familiar, he had "long" black hair (til the shoulders) and wore glasses with gray frames.
He was wearing a black coat with a black sweater under it, and I could see a small necklace.
He was wandering around the cookie department.

I kept looking at him, then I had the realization. My eyes widened and my heart froze.

Eeh? What is HE doing here??

Hoping he didn't see me, I grabbed my things and left immediately, after thanking the cashier.

I ran home quickly, breathing heavily the winter air that was running though my lungs. Once I was distant enough to the minimarket, I sighed, slowing down the pace.

I touched my chest: my heart was pounding.
He was literally the last person I wanted to see, yet, here I am.

[skip time]
When I arrived to the apartment, I turned on the lights. Jisung probably left already, which meant I was home alone.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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