The date

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Veen and dad went to dad's office to discuss some business matters before we left for the date. This man is more concerned about the business more than me how predictable, this marriage will be suffocating to be in.

Veen walked out with dad and walked over to me. He linked my hands with me. This took me aback with shook. Dad smiled seeing his actions and I smiled to him. My dad is priority is first to me.

"Okay shall we go." Veen said

I nodded a reply and waved dad bye as we walked out of the house. Veen's driver opened the car door for us as we entered. I unhooked my hand from Veen the moment we entered the car and moved away from him.

"Listen I know you are only in this wedding proposal because of the hotel so let's don't put this act." I said to him. Veen smiled and let a light chuckle, he moved close to me and grabbed me by my waist

"I could have gotten the hotel easily marrying you is just my bonus." He whispered in my ear.

This pervert does he see me just as a prize. Why did dad have to choose him as my groom. He let go of my waist and moved away from me.

We reached the hotel and got of the car. A swarm of paparazzi immediately attacked us with their cameras flashing in our faces. Veen immediately grabbed my arm and pulled my close to him as his bodyguards pushed the paparazzi away creating a way for us to enter the restaurant.

"You can let go of my suit now." Veen said

I looked over at him and noticed I had clenched on him. I quickly let him go and moved behind him. A young lady walked over at us. Veen talked with her and I noticed how she was smiling and laughing at everything he said. Is he seriously flirting with her on our date? Why do I care? I don't let him leave his life.

"Nat our table is ready." Veen said to me. I brushed against him and shot the waitress a death glare.

We walked to the balcony of the hotel where the table was set with a candle lit dinner. Romantic atmosphere is he trying to make me fall in love with him? Absolutely not, this is a contract remember that Nat.

Veen pulled put a chair for me to take a sit but I took the other chair.

"Rebellious I like it." Veen said winking at me

"Stop that I only agreed to be here for the food so don't think all these will make me like you."

"But I can atleast try."

The waiter came to take our orders before I could curse Veen out.  As he took our orders, he kept looking over at me and smiling
"Is is flirting with me,silently."
I smiled back at him and Veen cleared his throat looking at me.

"Let my fiance order for us what he says will be. " Veen said looking over at me.
I took the chance to mess with him and ordered spicy chicken strips for him. The waiter left and Veen moved close to me and said,
"You know it's not nice to smile at other men infront of your soon to be husband. "

"And its okay for you to flirt with another woman infront of me." I spat out immediately

"I was not flirting I was making sure the table was well set."


"Listen I think you should differ to business school from school of fashion if you are to take over the hotel."

" Excuse me, what right do you have to tell me that it's my decision and I'm not taking over the hotel I already informed dad."

"As you husband I want you to take life more seriously and fashion school is not."

I felt my body heat increasing. He was making me really mad.

"As my husband you should support me but I guess I'm making a huge mistake."

I stood up and was about to leave when Veen grabbed my hand.

"Nat I'm sorry I was just thinking of your future and the future of your dad's empire. "

I pulled my hand away from him and walked away.

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