∆Chapter 3: Fun Fun House Of Mirriors∆

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My god I'm stuck here...
I don't remember how it happened exactly. I was eating, and I was rummaging through an old box of stuff...

My friends are probably going insane right now, we had plans and everything.
Please please tell me this is just a nightmare.

I don't know why this is hitting me so hard like this. It's not like I haven't come to this conclusion before... I'm stuck here.
But the thing is I'm stuck here.
I won't see my friends again.
I won't see my family again
I won't see any of my pets anymore.
And they won't see me.
And I've been gone for four days.
My parents are probably losing it.
But what if no one is looking for me? What if nobody knows I left? Do they even care that I'm gone?
Do they cry from Joy or from sorrow?
I can't believe this is happening to me-


I lift my head up and look towards the door.



"My door was locked."

"I have the key to your room- have you been in here crying?"

I wipe my puffy eyes and blow into a tissue dramatically. "No I haven't been crying."

Jax looked me up and down. "Great," Jax walked in and sprawled out on my bed. "I've been sent to get you."

"Jax your getting a little too comfortable on my bed."

"So what if I am?" Jax said getting even further on my bed. "In faact," Jax lingered, grabbing a pillow. "There we go."

"Why are you here?" I sat up to look at him.

"Caine wants to start an adventure, and I was sent to grab you from your stupid and sorry room." Jax sat up on his elbows.

I kick him off my bed, and put my pillow back neatly.

"I'll be down...get out."


I didn't want to have any sort of adventure dedicated to me...
And I quote, "Well that's too bad!"

"Yea.. I'm staying behind. I'm not rescuing anything." Zooble's censored hand stayed in the air for a while before she disappeared around a corner.

Caine held me in the air like a feral puppy as everybody else followed him out the Tent.

"We can't start this show without our main star! You can't have Thanksgiving without a turkey or Christmas without presents!" Caine floated me upright. "Come on [Name]! We need you to be our turkey! We need you to be our present!"

Caine wrapped an arm around my neck and pulled me close. "We need you to be.... Our damsel in distress!"

"What?" I went wide eyed watching as Caine snapped his fingers and summoned someone kind of weird, toothy, blob, shiny creature.

"What is that- "


Jax's POV

Jax x F! Reader || 𝕀𝕞 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕘𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕒 𝕤𝕒𝕪 𝕚𝕥..||Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora