Ramen | Two

315 11 8




" Guys... she's suffering major blood loss....I'm pretty sure she's dead.."

" She can't be dead! I-I have unfinished buiessness to-...."

" Wait, she's moving...!"

I struggled to get up as cold hands clasped against my cheeks.

My head hurted a lot at the moment, and small details of what had happened slowly but surely came back to me.

" Ughh.....guys....theres-...theres someone behind you all..." I groaned in maid as I slowly sat up. Everyone slowly turned around to see a tall man whos face was masked by darkness.

" Well, well, well...Looks like you all are ready, huh?" A raspy voice said, slowly taking steps towards the light. I couldn't clearly see his face because he was wearing a mask, but for some strange reason his skin was yellow.

" I-I'm way too pretty t-to die, please, adleast k-kill me last...!" Tori dropped down on her knees and begged.

The man took a few steps closer and lifted Tori's chin in maniacle laugher. " Kill you...? Who do you think I am? I was talking about you guys being ready for dinner!" The man helped Tori up to her feet. " Are you guys ready? I made ramen!" He cheered.

All of us could do nothing but stare, because this made no sense, but we were all scared and followed him to a giant room filled with only crates.

" Sorry about the mess....I wasn't excpecting so many visitors...haha...!" He began to move the crates around. There were seven singlar crates where we all assumed we should sit there. There were also some crates in the middle of us which probably was a table.

" I hope you all enjoy, it took awhile to make. " The man sat down a bowl in front of each of us. He then reaches behind his head and unlatches his mask. I hate to admit it, but he looked pretty hot when he revealed his face.

He then picked us a fork and began eating. He looked around to see us all staring at him and paused. " My mistake you all, I forgot to introduce myself. The names Wally Darling, and it's a pleasure to meet you all...What are you guys' names?" Wally asked, patently waiting for one of us to answer. None of us had said anything, so I decided to speak first.

" I'm Y/n..and this is Gregor, Chloe, Tori, Mari, and Jayden. " I introduced us all with a smile. Wally then warmly smiled back, lightening the mood and allowing us to all feel the relief to eat.

The whole meal was in silence, but a calm silence. Maybe it was because we didn't know what to say, or maybe it was because we were too scared to speak, but the food was good and that's all that mattered I guess.




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