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(Starts with an room dark room where two yellow eyes and an purple eye on and than)
??? Your officially assigned
The purple robot yes! (Hand fives two yellow robots) we did it!
??? But we need to do improvements to you guys the purple robot even my railgun? (Smiles evilly) ??? Yes
(They start laughing evilly than cuts to an house with three cars on its driveway and than an blue Mazda 3 pulls up on it)
(The people in the Mazda get out of it and put some boxes in)
??? Wooo we are done it's official babe we are officially living here!
??? Love you blue
Blue love you too pink
(Red comes in front of the door frame)
Red am I ruining an good time?
Blue no your good red
Pink what's going on?
Blue me and red are gonna explore the city so we wanna go somewhere we can go there
Pink alright be safe
Blue I will (kisses pink)
(Blue and red get in his Mazda 3 and they drive around the city and than stop to get some dinner)
Blue alright we should head back should we?
Red yea pink will be worried about us
Blue alright than
(Cuts to three shadows with purple and two yellow eyes)
The purple robot alright I think that's them
The yellow female robot I feel more fancy I like this new outfit and my new fangs (shows off her new outfit)
The tall yellow boy not now V we have to focus on them
V sorry N but I like this better than my old one and call me vampire queen V for now on (winks)
N (sighs and face palms)
V oh your no fun N! (Crosses her arms and looks away grumpy)
The purple robot ughhhh (face palms than cuts back to blue and red getting in the Mazda and than they come back home to find the house super dark)
Blue pink we got dinner
(Turns on the lights and they see nothing)
Blue ok than
(Blue goes in his bedroom to check on pink and red just waited there than drool drops on reds hat)
Red what the (looks up and sees V looking at him) oh sh..
(Cuts to blue checking on pink)
Blue pink we got dinner
(Blue hears stuff being smashed and he runs downstairs and sees his whole house trashed and some stuff smashed
Blue uhhhh did an raccoon break in?
(Blue sees the door to the garage is open and he comes in and turns on an light and it shows an black 69 charger RT than blue looks in the corner and sees three robots two were yellow and one was purple and than they look at blue and show red taped up and than two of them start laughing evilly)
N sorry we kinda need you and him
Blue oh crap
(The purple robot grabs an railgun lookalike)
Purple robot get ready to witness the power of this sick as heck railgun (countines laughing evilly)
Blue (kicks her right in the face knocking her visor off) no
Blue oh..
(N goes after blue and they start fighting than V takes red)
V N take him
N (stares at blue while tiring him with his tail) next time if you hit my wife I will end your WHOLE FREAKING LIFE
(The purple robot wakes up)
Purple robot ow
N Uzi are you ok?
Uzi I'm fine N (she climbs on N than they fly over to an building than they land)
Blue where are we
Uzi that's non of your business N
(N knocks out blue)
(Blue and red wake up tired to chairs)
Red oh cmon
??? Well well well look who's awake
Blue I hate my life
(The shadows comes out to be an 10 year old lookalike boy mixed with an aloha form raichu)
??? Good job guys (gives the robots free oil) V (snaps finger) I need you for this
V alright master (starts laughing evilly and claws come out of her hands)
Blue please no
??? So let me ask you something
Blue ok ok
??? Are you from Alberta?
Blue no?
(V cuts blue)
Blue AH OW
??? This says you are (shows blues driver license) blue Ronald tori
Blue you just didn't steal my cards or money right?
Ashley no (walks closer and puts blues wallet back in his pocket) I just want you to join us
Red what for?
Ashley because you are the target
Blue no we are not joining your stupid little team (gets cut again) OW STOP IT
??? Let them go
V yes master (cuts the tapes and blue and red run)
??? Don't worry they won't run for long
Uzi bite me!
(The next day blue was walking than he seen an history building and he goes in and sees an big red R on it than later blue remembered something from yesterday than he went over to the counter and starts talking)
Blue hey uhh what's that (points over to the big R)
??? That stands for team rocket they are an evil team why?
Blue oh nothing nothing
(Blue walks out of the building and calls red)
(Red picks up)
Red hello
Blue red remember the team that kidnapped us?
Red yea why?
Blue Welp they are team rocket
Red team rocket? Wait wait don't they try stealing Pokémon?
Blue yea but we are our next target
Red oh...
(Blue hears slow clapping from behind him and he turns around seeing Uzi with an good mood smile)
Uzi bravo you figured it out (grabs her railgun)
Blue Someone's behind you
(Uzi looks behind her than looks back and sees blues gone)
Uzi BITE ME I WILL FIND YOU (walks away mumbling amine music madly)
The end EP2 coming soon!!!!!

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