Disco crash

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(Crashes off with blue cleaning his charger than red calls him)
Blue (picks up) yo
Red get dude there's an party going on you wanna come?
Blue alright bet
(Blue and pink went to an clothing store and grabbed some tuxedos than drive back home and than they texted red to come over)
(Red knocks on thelr door)
(Blue opens it holding an white tuxedo while wearing an black tuxedo)
Blue got this for you
Red oh thanks
(They all walk to charger)
Blue (opens the door and puts his seat down) your sitting the back cuz pinks coming
Red alright fine (sits in the black)
Blue (gets in with pink and steps on the clutch checks if the cars in neutral than starts it up)
(Blue pulls out of the driveway turns on the radio playing whole lotta love by zed zeppelin than turns it up than later cuts to the charger passing by than later cuts to the charger pulling up in an parking lot parking next to an 81 trans am)
(They all get out of it)
Blue that Firebird is nice
Red yea definitely
Blue stickers need to go
Red yea true
Blue I don't remember but I remembered that someone said bite me on the plate
Red yea me too you know let's go PARTY!
(Cuts to them dancing than they got called up on stage)
??? The dance king and queen are BLUE TORI AND HIS WIFE PINK AND THELR FRIEND RED
blue LETS GO (hugs pink and kisses her than later red pushes and he falls backward and blue sees there's an hole in the wall than he looks over and see Uzi N And V all in fancy clothing as well)
Blue (walks up to the microphone) EVERYONE LEAVE
(The crowd runs out and only N Uzi and V are the ones that didn't leave)
(Block rockin beats starts playing as blue grabs an gun from inside his tuxedo)
Red (goes into kung fu than later N runs at him almost hitting but red did an backflip and silds to the back of the stage) and they say watching all Jackie chan movies suck
(Uzi shoots her railgun but blue dodges it)
Blue red get pink out of here
(Red and pink mange to get out without getting caught than blue runs to the exit than than Uzi comes in front of him than they later start fighting until Uzis railgun comes out of her arm and shoots in the arm and he falls breathing heavily and passes out)
Uzi don't worry we will make you better trust us
(Walks back over to N and V)
V where's the blue guy
Uzi he's dead but we can revive him
(Every robot pulls out thelr weapons and they see blue in the middle on the stage)
Blue I..am...your target your...my rival I...am your rival (shoots an gas tank catching N Uzi and V in the building and he walks out)
Red yo dude (runs to blue with pink) you alright
Blue yes just got only shot in the arm
Pink are you alright
Blue yes babe I'm alright let's get the car
(They all get in the car as they were about to pull out the whole gang comes out)
V are we gonna catch them?
Uzi we will figure out an plan
N oh yea Ashley told me that you need to have your stage two rocket drone done
Uzi yes
(They all get in the Firebird blue and red talked about before the fight than they drive away than cuts back to the headquarters where we see Ashley V and N)
N when is she gonna be done
V yes I wanna see my proud sister in law become like us
N V your acting an little too nice
V partypooper
N you know I don't like that name righ...
Ashley shut she's done
(Uzi comes out with an tail winch was purple)
Uzi (starts laughing very evilly)
(Cuts to nighttime where we see blue and red spray paint the headquarters than they start walking away dancing to war by edwin star than the credits roll)
The end EP4 coming right at ya! And also the Halloween special is coming out on the 27 btw

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