Land the J of the pod

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(Starts off with blue and red chilling on an Plato talking)
Blue than I was like (stops)
Red what's wrong?
Blue (points to the sky)
(They see something in the sky and than it lands)
Blue what was that?
Red let's go check it out
(They go to where the thing landed and they see an it's some kind of an pod)
Blue that's new
Red (knocks on it and it opens and than an yellow female robot comes out winch looks like V but with longer clothing and double long ponytails)
Blue ...
??? Humans
Blue uh no I'm the new lastest model of your guys squad B!
Red I'm re (blue elbows him)
Blue red
Red I'm also new I'm R!
??? Serial designation J I'm the leader
Red so we are following your rules
J yes but I need to find three robots (holds up an picture of V Uzi and N during thelr wedding) you do know any of these
Red oh yes we do right B
Blue yea here we go show you the way (walks over to his civic)
J woah woah can't you fly instead of moving with the human tech?
Blue my wings are broken right now?
J ughhh climb on me guys
(They both get on J and they fly over to the team rocket headquarters)
Blue here just knock on this door and we're on our wa...
J you not going anywhere your staying so you know what's your doing
Red ok jeez
(Bitz opens the door)
Bitz may I help you?
J I will like to see these three please (holds up the same picture)
Bitz ok than? They are over by the training room
J thank you (bows)
Bitz no proble... (red knocks him out)
J he seemed nice!
Blue he's rivals with us
J makes sense
(They walk over to room 7 the training area)
Blue I got this I hacked before (starts hacking the door buttons)
(The door opens and it was Uzi V and N laughing than they see J)
Everyone J!?
J that's right I'm going to kill you all all of you guys!
(Blue and red are just sitting on chairs they found)
Uzi first of all they are humans
J prove it
(Uzi shows both an fake driver license of blue and red and J grabs them)
J AW THOESE SON OF THE JCJENSON! (Looks at blue and red)
Red I think she knew
Blue me too
J it doesn't matter I'm killing both you guys
Red I think you mean the opposite
J what?
(Red jumps in the air kicks Js face than does an backfilp and goes into an kung fu)
Red everybody was kung fu fighting that man was fast like lig...(dodges Js rocket)
Blue I got this red (grabs gun and starts shooting)
J fools
Red (grabs an stick and stabs the yellow things on Js head)
Uzi enough J they are ours (her railgun comes out of her arm than blue silds and rips her arm off her)
Blue ha! (Shoots it killing J)
Red finally we toke care (fists pumps blue)
(Uzi grabs her arm and puts it back on her)
Uzi now your ours
Blue what do we do?
Red JCJENSON! (Points nowhere)
(All the robots start screaming than blue and red run)
(Back at the house blue and red were putting thelr Halloween decorations up)
Red this is gonna be an good Halloween
Blue yessir
The end EP5 coming in two days cuz remember I still need to plan the Halloween special and snow mass coming next month anyways bye

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