Home is where it countines (around november 2023)

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Name home is where it countines
(Starts off with V walking around than she enters an room)
V alright no one's watching (goes over to an desk and opens an drawer and grabs an file and she opens it and starts reading an file)
V there he is my crush
(Cuts to an file of red than cuts back to V)
V (sighs and starts tearing up) you were right we were not made for each other
N V?
V N! (Closes and throws the folder away and wipes away her tears) what are you doing here
N Ashley wanted you for something
V like what?
N he wanted to know if you still wanna stay here
V of course I still wanna stay here
N btw you are not allowed in Ashley's ro....
N alright jeez you do suck sometimes
V your right I do suck sometimes
N what?
V (starts crying)
N NO NO NO NOT THIS V why are you crying????
V it's about the red dude
N oh no still?
V hes right we were not made for each other
N don't worry V you got me Uzi Zoe A and G
V that's true your the best brother ever
N thanks V
Ashley guys
(Cuts to Ashley leaning on the door frame)
Ashley remember what I said about being in here?
V sorry
(They both walk out)
(Cuts to three more robots)
??? Soon we will kill everyone on this place
Two ???s yea master
??? Let's go
(They all fly)
This was made around November 2023 I'm not planning on releasing snow mass on Wattpad since I already finished it and I'm on season 2

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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