One- Rebel Spirit

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Gya laughed loudly and glanced behind her. Korra and her siblings hot on her trail. They were racing on air scooters around the island. Gya was winning but Ikki and Korra were catching up. Gya turned a sharp corner. She could see her uncle Bumi standing at the finish line. All of a sudden Korra zoomed past her and across the line. Gya pouted, slowing down her scooter. She jumped from the air scooter and crossed her arms. "Korra you can't use your Avatar state to win. That's called cheating." Gya said, Korra stuck her tongue out. "Your just a sore loser." Gya rolled her eyes. "You did what?!" She heard her father yell. He was stomping towards them angrily. "You can't use the Avatar state as a booster rocket. Clearly you don't appreciate the power of the Avatar state." He said, glaring down at Korra with a tick mark on his forehead. "It's the Avatar state. And I'm the Avatar. Who could appreciate it more than me?" Korra said, she glared back at Tenzin. Gya sighed, this has been her life for the last couple of weeks. Training with Korra, Korra does something reckless, Her father and Korra fight. Rinse and repeat over and over. "You don't have a strong enough spirit connection. And you haven't mastered Air bending yet." Tenzin said, Korra scoffed. "Yes I have." She turned around. Sending punches of air towards the trees around them. Bumi walked up and smiled. "Looks pretty good to me." Bumi said to Tenzin, smirking. Tenzin sighed, annoyed with his brother. "I think what my father is trying to say is you've mastered your own version of airbending. But there are lots of techniques you haven't learned yet." Gya said to Korra, Tenzin nodded his head. "Exactly, and to do that we will visit every air temple!" He pulled out a small map and opened it. A picture of his face was in the corner along with marks where the air temples were. Gya and Korra looked at each other. Both looked bored already. "Oh! Can we see where grandpa Aang was born?!" "How many Lemurs can I have?" "Can I get tattoos! But instead of Arrows I want lighting bolts!" Gya laughed slightly. Her siblings are already being unbearable. "Now that there's a President and I'm not needed on the council I want to relax with my family." Tenzin said, Gya raised an eyebrow at him. In all her eighteen years of life she had never seen her father relax. Ever. Korra leaned down to the kids. "Well before your dad takes us on that trip we're going to have some real fun in my home town. They'll be celebrating the spirit festival. With games and rides and fried food on sticks." The kids perked up at that. Yelling in excitement and running circles around their father. Gya would be lying if she said she wasn't excited. Korra stood by Gya and turned to her. "We are going on every.. Single. Ride." Korra said to Gya, she smiled. "Hell yes we are." "Gya watch your mouth."


Gya hated being on Boats, it made her feel sick. The way the boat swayed and lurched made her stomach cramp. She walked out of her room. Hoping fresh air would help her not throw up everywhere. She realized standing in one place made it worse. So she took a walk around the ship. Breathing deeply and softly. She turned a corner and saw Naga laying on the ground. Mako leaning on the polar dog. Gya hid quickly, not wanting the boy to see her. Whenever she talked to him she felt guilty. She had admitted to herself she liked him. But she would never tell anyone else that. Especially Korra. She turned to walk away quickly when the boat jerked sideways suddenly. Knocking her off her balance. She tripped backwards and slammed into the boat's rails. Grunting at the impact. She rubbed her back but froze when a voice called out to her. "Gya? Are you alright?" She turned to see Mako walking over to her. She stood up straight and smiled awkwardly. "Yes, I'm fine. I was just going on a stalk, a nalk, a walk." She stumbled over her words stupidly. Mako watched her with suspicious eyes. "Okayyyy. Are you sure you're alright? You fell pretty hard." He reached out to her but she dodged him. Walking backwards slowly. "No I'm fine just- oof." She slammed into a support beam. A bucket on the balcony above tipped. Spilling water on her before falling on her head. They stood there silently. Then Mako began to laugh. Chuckling hysterically at the girl. She pulled the bucket off her head and glared at him. "It wasn't that funny." She said, her bun falling to the side of her head from the weight of the water. Mako tried to catch his breath but couldn't. Holding his stomach as he pointed at her. "It- it really was. You should have seen your face." He said, bursting into more laughter. Tears formed in his eyes. Gya couldn't help but crack a smile. Laughing along with him. "Okay maybe it was. But don't speak of this to anyone." She said, poking his chest threateningly. He made a zip motion over his mouth. Still smiling from the bucket incident. She placed the bucket on the floor. Taking her hair out and straining the water out. "So how's police life treating you?" She asked, flipping her hair back over her shoulder. Mako had joined the police force and was working hard most of the time. He shrugged, leaning against a wall. "Exciting, I'm doing a pretty good job if I do say so myself." He went on, telling her all about his work. And different jobs he had taken. After a while Gya looked up at the sky. "It's late, I should probably try to sleep. And dry my hair." She said, leaving her hair down. Mako nodded his head and looked at the sky. "It is pretty late, good night lady bucket head." He said, Gya punching him on the shoulder. "Good night man child." She turned on her heel walking back to her room. Smiling like a crazy woman. But that smile soon faded. Mako was Korra's. Not her's.

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