Seven- Light in the dark

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The moment they emerged on the other side, a herd of dark spirits raced towards them. "Go find Jinora!" Gya yelled, sending an arc of wind towards the spirits and sending them backwards. Unalaq dodge her attack, creating an ice ramp to slide down and send a water attack. Bolin and Mako rused forward, blocking the attack. Gya followed Korra back towards the portal and watched the fight as Korra began to close the portal. The guys were struggling against the skilled Unalaq and Gya gritted her teeth. "You're running out of time Raava. I know you feel it coming." Vaatu said from his prison, Gya finally noticed it. A giant tree in the center of the portals, a giant black spirit encased inside of its thick trunk. Suddenly Korra was knocked back from the portal as the other side opened. The two portals arcs towards each other over the tree and became connected in a bright light. They became a neon green color and Gya felt a shock wave rumble all around. She rushed to Korra's side and knelt down as lightning began to strike the tree. Suddenly it stopped and the prison bursted open, allowing Vaatu to fly above them freely. He began to laugh maniacally and stared down at Korra. Gya pulled Korra to her feet quickly as Vaatu spoke. "Raava, nothing you did would stop this moment. Harmonic Convergence is finally upon us." Korra took a step forward, glaring down the spirit. "I won't let you fuse with Unalaq, I'm going to put you right back into that prison." Vaatu flew towards Unalaq who accepted the act freely. Korra sent an attack of fire forcing Vaatu to stray from his path. As she did that, Gya created a tornado around Unalaq that catapulted him out of the portal. "Don't let Unalaq back in here!" She called to Bolin and Mako, both men nodded their heads and ran out of the portal. Korra turned to Gya with a dark expression, "You don't have to be here for this." Gya scoffed, getting into her fighting position. "I know." Korra smiled lightly, looking back to Vaatu with glowing eyes and propelling herself forward. He was able to doge her attack but she didn't relent. Sending a water and earth attack at the same time, he again moved out of the way. Korra then flew straight towards him, using ice to cut through one of his wispy arms. Then she used her fire to blast a hole into the side of his head. Vaatu began to glow purple, and an electric beam shot from its eyes. Korra fell backwards and slammed into a jagged piece of earth. Gya ran towards her, green vines sprouted up around Korra and grabbed her. With a flick of her wrist Gya cut through the vines, allowing Korra to drop to the ground and untangle herself. Korra sent a new onslaught of attacks, giving Vaatu no time to breath. Then she entered the avatar form and created a vortex around herself. Hovering into the air she encased Vaatu in a sphere of wind. A ring of water, fire and earth followed. "I'm locking you away for another ten thousand years Vaatu." Korra said, directing him back towards the spiraling tree. Gya sensed someone behind them, turning she saw Unalaq sending a water attack towards Korra. Jumping forward she tried to block the attack but it was too strong, instead knocking her back into Korra and onto the ground. Vaatu broke free of his imprisonment and Unalaq sent another attack forward. Gya acted quickly, pushing Korra out of the way and taking the brunt of it. She grunted out as she tumbled over the rocky terrain again, causing a tear down her sleeve and bloodied arm. Her head had hit the ground once more and her vision black out for a moment. When it came back she could see Korra kneeling over her, her features focusing in and out. Gya sat up and saw Vaatu hovering over Unalaq, Korra noticed too and sent a last effort attack. But it was weak and blocked by Unalaq easily. Vaatu flew down and was absorbed by Unalaq, whose eyes began to glow a bright red. He reached his hand into the portal, a purple encased him and he screamed. "No." Korra uttered in horror as they fused, purple mist fluttering around them. "We are now one. The time has come for the new avatar." Korra stood, the air around her swirling. "Well I'm the old avatar and I say my time is not over yet." And then they both jumped towards each other. Meeting in a violent attack that caused a wave of power to ruffle around them. They both flew out of the portal and Gya tried to follow them but stopped when her arm began to throb. She couldn't bend like this, one arm wasn't strong enough to create a vortex to carry herself. That's when she noticed Bolin and Mako encased in ice up to their chin. Eska and Desna stood by them, Gya limped her way over. When she made it over to them she heard Mako trying to convince the twins. "Father was going to let me expire. Maybe we should rethink our position." Desna said, his eyes landing on Gya but he said nothing about her. "No, his words are poisoning your mind." Eska said when Bolin began to sob uncontrollably. "What's with this outburst of emotions?" Eska asked, slightly disgusted by his snotty nose and teary eyes. "I'm sorry, I can't help it. I'm just so sad that I'll never get to be with you." He sobbed, Eska tensed and stepped forward. "What? Explain yourself further." She moved to stand in front of Bolin. "I've always loved you Eska, and now the world is ending. I will never get to be together." Gya moved in closer, taking a position by Desna. If he was going to attack her then he would have. "We could have been together but you left me at the altra." Eska said, the closest to anger that Gya had seen her. "I was scared, but now I'm not anymore. But it's too late." He continued to cry and Eskas scowling softened. She then leaned forward, locking her lips with his and the ice on the brothers began to melt. Mako, Gya and Desna sent each other disturbed looks at this and just awkwardly watched as they kissed. When Eska pulled away she said, "You won't defeat my father, but should you survive we can spend eternal darkness together." Mako grabbed Gyas hand and then his brother's coat and pulled them into a run. Gya flinched slightly but followed them in a sprint. When they entered the human world they spotted the fight immediately, Gya huffed out in pain as she lifted her arm. Lifting herself into the air and flying towards the fight quicker. As she got there Korra pulled Unalaq down from his position, slamming his body into the ground. Gya lowered herself, panting heavily at the exertion. Korra had Unalaq's arms attached to hers with water and he pulled her forward. Korra pushed back and the ground underneath them began to break. Unalaq suddenly unhinged his jaw, allowing Vaatu to crawl out and attach to Korra's face. Gya didn't hesitate as she ran towards them, Vaatu pulled Raava free from Korra's body and Unalaq encased the spirit in water. Gya threw herself over Korra protectively. Unalaq brought his arm ready to strike but Bolin and Mako attacked him. He dropped Raava to block their attacks and Gya pulled the light spirit to her chest. She wasn't going to let anything happen to Raava. Unalaq used ice to knock Bolin and Mako out quickly and turned back to her. "I would suggest you let her go." He said, but Gya didn't respond, just stared into his eyes. He used water to grab her, throwing her over his shoulder into a rock. She gasped when her back hit it, but only tightened her grip on Raava. "Let her go!" He screamed, frustrated beyond belief, Gya just laid over the spirit who weakly said. "Let me go child." Gya saw her grandfather's face and heard his voice in that moment and smiled softly, but screamed when she felt a whip of water streak over her back. He slashed again and again, hoping the girl would pass out and fall. But Gya held strong, holding eye contact with Raava as agony tore through her. When the attacks stopped she wondered if Korra was able to get him, but when she went to glance over her shoulder she felt it shredding through her stomach. The water positioned over her, when she moved he had the perfect shot. She coughed, blood gurgling in her throat as he removed the weapon. Her body gave out immediately, the snow beneath slowly becoming a dark crimson. But her eyes were stuck on Raava as Unalaq used his water to hit the spirits. Slowly breaking her, "No." Gya choked out, blood leaking from her lips. Raavas eye met hers, in a way trying to reassure Gya as she crumpled to a million pieces. Along with her grandfather's spirit and all the other avatars. She watched as Unalaq transformed,growing into a giant red version of himself. "Now, ten thousand years of darkness begins." He bellowed, placing his hand into the sky. He was sucked up into the green aurora above them and a gust of wind sent Gya skidding away, a trail of red following behind her. She grunted, holding a hand to her stomach and folding in on herself. Gya noticed Korra not too far from her, she was passed out cold. "Korra." She whispered, using her right arm to try and drag herself towards her best friend but she couldn't. She spotted her father running towards them, he knelt by Korra's side. "Please wake up." He mumbled, Bumi and Kya knelt by Bolin and Mako. "They're going to be okay, but I need to get them into some spirit water right away." Gya looked down at her stomach, the blood had slowed down and the wound wasn't fatal. So she wrapped her jacket around herself and forced herself to stand. Walking over to the group very slowly. Tenzin's eyes fell upon his daughter and the tension in his face fell to relief. "Gya, are you alright?!" He asked, rushing over to her. She nodded her head and looked down to Korra. "I am, but Korra isn't. Unalaq destroyed Raava." Her fathers face sunk into horror at her words and he looked down at Korra. "We need to hurry." He called, rushing toward the portal quickly. When they entered the spirit world they found a river of water and placed the three into it. Kya got to work immediately, washing the water over them. Gya bit her lip, worried for her friends. Korra jolted out of the water. Gya sighed in relief as all her friends stood slowly. "I'm glad you're all alright." Tenzin said, healing Korra out of the water. "I'm not alright, Unalaq fused with Vaatu and destroyed Raava. He won." Korra said, sitting down on a rock in defeat. "No, I'm too young to die! Korra can't you talk to one of your past lives or something?" Bolin cried, but Gya flinched, she remembered feeling all of them slip away. "When Vaatu destroyed Raava I felt my connections with the other avatars slip away. Meaning Im the last avatar. I'm so sorry, Tenzin." She began to cry but stopped suddenly, her eyes widening as she looked at Gya. Gyas face was deathly pale, and red veins seemed to be creeping up her neck. "Gya..." She whispered, more tears slipping from her eyes. Korra remembered what she saw, Unalaq water stabbing Gya before destroying Raava. Splashing Gyas blood over the land around them. Gyas' adrenaline finally wore off and she stumbled to her knees. Mako and Bolin jumped to her side and Tenzin whipped around hurriedly. "What's wrong?!" He asked, Gya waved him off but Korra rushed over. Opening Gya's jacket she gasped at the sight, blood dripping down her shirt as pulsating red veins sprouted from her wound. "Im fi-" Gya began but was cut off by a violent coughing fit. Tenzin rushed over to his daughter and wanted to throw up when he saw her wound. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, falling to her side and holding her face in his hands. "They came first." She whispered, motioning to her friends, Mako pulled her up and dragged her to the water. Kya began to heal Gya, her wounds closing up quickly, but the red veins stayed. "Her soul is corrupted." Kya said in horror, trying desperately to heal her. Gya felt her strength come back and stood. "What does that mean?" Korra asked, Gya looked at her hands with sad eyes. "That I'll die and my spirit will be dark forever." Bolin shook his head and grabbed her by the shoulders. "No, no you can't be." He blubbered, Mako held a hand over his mouth, trying to keep his composure. Korra fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face. "Unless, Korra can beat Vaatu." Gya said, making her best friend look up at her. "How? I dont have my past lives anymore?" Gya looked at her father, his face was sullen as he watched his daughter. He might lose Jinora, and now Gya too? He was thinking of when he first held her in his arms. His first born child, his pride and joy. But when he saw the determined look in her eyes he snapped out of it immediately and nodded to her. He knew that he needed to be strong, and Gya knew that too. "I know the other avatars can't help you anymore. But perhaps I can." Tenzin said, walking over to stand by Korra. "No one can help me now." Korra said with a defeated tone, Gya sat on the floor next to her friend and grabbed her hand. "There is still a way for you to defeat Vaatu." Gya said, Korra's eyes raised to hers sadly. "How?" Tenzin crouched down and held out his hand to Korra. "Let go of your attachments to who you think you are, and connect with your inner spirit." Tenzin said, Korra looked away from him and scoffed. "Haven't you heard anything I've said? Raava is gone, I'm not attached to any more spirits." Gya grabbed Kooras face in her hands and turned her head to look at her. "Raava is not who you are. You're Korra, the badass pro bender. Hot headed yet the kindest person you'll ever meet. You're Korra, the avatar, and my best friend." Korra's eyes shone with more tears and Tenzin stood. "Follow me, I have to show you something." Korra stood and followed Gyas father back towards the tree. Gya stood and smiled as she watched them but winced when a throbbing pain spread from the center of her stomach out. The veins on her body pulsated and slithered farther up her arms and legs. Mako was immediately there, wrapping his arms around Gya's waist. She leaned into him and Bolin watched her worriedly. "How did it happen, Gya?" Her aunt Kyas asked, watching the veins worriedly. "I was trying to protect Raava." Mako clenched his jaw and leaned down to look at her. "Why?! You should have ran away! Now you're, you're gonna- "" I'm not going to die, I believe in Korra." Gya said, pushing herself out of his arms. Bolin felt his eyes sting and he wrapped Gya in a hug. "You better not." He whispered and she patted his hair gently. Suddenly Koora emerged from the tree, but she was blue and a giant? Everyone gasped as they watched her reach out for the portal. Once she touched it she disappeared. "Sooo, what did you say to her exactly?" Bumi asked, earning a glare from Tenzin and chuckling from everyone else. Suddenly the ground began to shake and Gya looked up to see a hoard of spirits racing towards them. "They're coming for Korra!" She yelled, jumping into action immediately. She balled up her fist and sent punches of air towards the hoard. Everyone followed after with their own attacks on the spirits. But the hoard was forcing their small group back towards the tree. Gya used an air funnel to sweep the spirits away but flinched when pain erupted from her stomach. She dropped to one knee, allowing a spirit to pounce on her. Before it could sink its claws into her, Tenzin leaped forward, knocking the beast away. "Gya! Are you alright?" He asked, kneeling to her side. She panted heavily and sent him a shaky thumbs up. That's when she noticed Eska and Desna had joined the fight, slashing the spirits with their water bending. The group slowly made their way into the tree, the hoard too big to keep at bay. Gya helped pull Bolin into the tree right as Mako was whipped back by a spirit. She jumped back by his side, joining her father as they sent out a powerful flurry of wind. Gya then noticed the veins on her arms shrinking back and she grinned. "Korra did it." She muttered, spirits closing them into the tree. As she spoke a bright light shone all around them and sent the spirits away. Gya rushed out to see Korra's blue giant standing before the tree. When Korra opened her palms, Raava and Jinora emerged. Gya rushed down the tree along with her father. Jinora glew brightening as she floated towards them with a smile. "I'll see you soon Dad, Gya." And with that she disappeared into the air. Tenzin reached out to where she once was sadly. Korra wasted no time in fusing back with Raava. They flew to the top of the portal and touched it as the arch unwound. Korra lowered back down to them and Gya spirited to her friend. Slamming into her harshly and pulling her into a taunt hug. "I knew you would do it." She said, laughing happily. Korra returned the hug and only pulled away when Mako ran to them. He hugged Korra and kissed her lightly on the cheek. Gya backed off awkwardly and scratched the back of her head. "I don't even know what to say." Mako said, Gya rolled her eyes a cut in. "Maybe that's amazing." She mused, Bolin beamed, jumping into a rant of how awesome that was but Korra's eyes were set on her cousins. When Korra walked over to them Gya sat down, the exhaustion hitting her hard from the fight. She then heard a sniffing from behind her and turned around. "Squeaky?!" She yelled, surprised to see the , now giant, mouse in front of her. She laughed fondly and embraced the mouse, who pushed into the hug. "I didn't think I'd see you again." She cried, knowing the mouse probably wouldn't respond with words. But the glint in his eyes told her everything she needed to know. He was always planning on finding her again. They ended up leaving the spirit world and the portals open. A decision that Gya agreed with whole-heartedly, especially since when she exited she had her mouse companion perched on her shoulder once again. He had shrunk down to make it easier for her. The spirits and humans now had access to each other's worlds, and Gya hoped that it would be peaceful.


Gya sat on her cot in her small tent she had been given for the night. Squeaky sleeping peacefully on her pillow as she braided her hair slowly. The flap to her tent then opened slightly, she glanced up to see Mako standing there. "Can we talk?" He asked quietly, Gya just responded with a curt nod and finished her braid. He walked in and stood at the entrance awkwardly, looking anywhere but at Gya. She sighed in annoyance and stood to stand in front of the man. "Well?" He swallowed, clearly nervous. "I am in love with Korra." He finally said, Gyas heart fell, he's here to reject her. "But I also think I love Asami." He admitted, Gya clenched her hands into fists. Turning away to hide her tearing eyes she walked back to her bed. "But I also think I love you!" He exclaimed, Gya froze and stared at the floor. "Except with you everything is different. God this isn't what I came to say." he cursed, Gya took a deep breath and turned to look at him. "What is it you want to say?" She asked, Mako ran a hand down his face but maintained eye contact with her. "I'm confused, and I don't know what I want. Or what I need. I don't want to mess this up, and me and Korra just broke up." Gya sat back down on her cot, waiting for him to continue. But his words seemed to be caught in his throat. "Mako.." She mumbled, patting the spot next to her. He sat down quickly and she watched him with soft eyes. "I understand." She said, making his head snap to look at her. "And honestly, I think we should just be friends for now. If something more comes, great, but if not I still want you in my life." She bumped her shoulder to him and smiled. He returned it and leaned his shoulder into hers. "I'd like that."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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