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It didn't take long for them to reach Republic City. The journey only taking them a day. Gya walked off the boat slowly. Her body still recovering from the sea sickness she experienced. Mako and Korra waited for her. Both with concerned expressions. "You okay?" Korra asked, placing a hand on Gya's shoulder. Gya nodded, blinking a couple times before smiling. "Yes, I'm fine." Korra nodded and let her arm fall back to her side. She looked towards the front of the dock. Chief Beifong was approaching the three. Gya straightened her posture and turned towards her. "Welcome back Avatar. Thank you for starting a war." Her green eyes pierced Korra with grim reprimand. "I didn't start a war!" Korra said, pausing for a moment before slumping slightly. "Okay, I did. But you're making it seem more complicated than it actually is!" Beifong ignored her comment and turned to Mako. "I need you back to work. There's going to be a southern water tribe peace March tonight. I need you to make sure nothing gets out of hand." Mako stood tall, a presence of professionalism falling over him. "I'm all yours." Korra jumped forward eagerly. "I'll come too, I need the southern tribe to know I'm on their side." Gya shook her head at the girl. "That'll just make things worse." Korra glared at Gya but Beifong spoke before Korra could respond. "She's right." And with that Beifong turned and walked away. Korra spun on Gya, seething. "Why did you say that?!" She asked angrily, Gya folded her arms. Leaning away from Korra. "If the people see you're siding with the Southern tribe they'll see it as biased. Which is exactly what it is. It will make tension between the tribes skyrocket. And people will begin to question you as the avatar. You must stay neutral." Korra scoffed at Gya's words. Clearly not listening to any of them. "You sound like you're dad. The only reason I'm here is to get troops sent to support the south." Gya wanted to say more but Verick approached first. "Zhu li has already set up a meeting with the president tomorrow. We'll get him on board." Mako just shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever. I'm going to work." He sent a small smile to Gya before walking away. "And I'm checking in my factory." Asami said, walking off as well. "Well I'm going to find out more about this peace March." Korra said, stomping away. Gya sighed and walked after her. Waving quickly to Bolin. "So what I should I be doing?" Bolin asked, looking lost. "I don't know Bolin, figure something out." Mako said, earning a glare from Gya. She shook her head, knowing that drama was slowly arising in her small group of friends. She followed behind Korra silently, trying to find words to say. Korra strode into the city, looking around for something. Her eyes landed on a woman who held a sign that read "Peace parade." She began to approach her when Gya grabbed her arm. Korra groaned in annoyance and pulled her arm free, turning to Gaya with an exasperated look. "Korra I'm serious, you're walking into dangerous territory." Korra scoffed and crossed her arms across her chest. "Dangerous territory? I just want to support my people." Gya pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed deeply. "The southerners aren't just your people. The fire nation is your people, republic cities your people, even the northerners are your people. You wanna know why? Because you're the avatar, you're meant to protect everyone." Korra brushed her off, crossing the road and calling back. "I know what I'm meant to do." Gya tried to follow after her but traffic blocked her from doing so. Leaving her all alone at the side of the road.


Gya stood with Beifong, glaring at Korra who was leading the peace march. Going against Gya's words and even leaving her in the middle of the city alone. Korra wasn't thinking rationally. Gya understood she wanted to support her people. But the Avatar could be selfish. "You seem upset." Beifong said suddenly, catching Gya off guard. "Huh?" Beifong turn to look at her with a mischievous glint. "If you were the avatar I wouldn't have so many gray hairs." Gya was stumped at her behavior. Why was Beifong trying to make small talk with her? And why was she amused. Beifong noticed the look on Gya's face and went back to her stern attitude. Turning to her men and barking orders. Northerners were in an uproar, standing behind the barricade of the parade. Yelling about how unfair the avatar was and the bias she had for the south. Beifongs men kept them at bay and the southerners held lanterns in their hands and walked slowly. Gya caught eyes with Korra who just looked away quickly. Suddenly the building behind her exploded into fire. Glass breaking and smoke filling the streets. Gya acted quickly, using her airbending to stop the fire. Sucking the oxygen away so the fire would flicker out. Korra joined her, using her waterbending. But they barely made a dent in the raging fire. Mako ran towards the girls. Korra turned to glare at him. "The northern water tribe is out of control." Korra said, Gya clenched her jaw at the brash accusation. "I saw a firebender running from the scene. This might not have been the northern." Mako said, intriguing Gya. "Of course it was the north. Who else would it be?" Korra asked as a fire truck approached. Korra glanced back at it before turning to aid the fire fighters. Mako looked down, eyebrows furrowed. "For what it's worth I believe you." Gya said, making Mako look up at her. He smiled gently and nodded. Gya returned the smile and looked at the building. Why would fire benders attack during a water tribe peace march?

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