Part 2

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Spider-man swung to the police station in midtown. Yuri was waiting for him on the roof. He was pleased to see that at least she wasn't smoking.

As soon as he landed behind her, she turned and said, "Spider-man...what's this thing you wanted to show me? And what happened with...?"

Spider-man handed her the ivory tiger. She inspected it. "So you got it back from Felicia?"


"And that information we received about Marcus Graywall....was that from her?"

"Sure was."

Her face was unreadable for a moment as if she was hesitant to speak her mind for once. She put the Ivory tiger down and interrogated the masked hero. "So how did she escape this time?"

"Uh well...she went invisible. Stealth suit. Like I said. I'm still working on figuring that out."

"So how did you get the tiger from her?" Yuri asked.

"She....left it. For me to find."

Yuri crossed her arms. "Where?"

"On a rooftop." Spider-man's voice rose at the end of each lie, and Yuri knew it. "She just wanted me to have the evidence to put Marcus away."

"So you didn't catch her at just found the tiger."


"Then how did you know that it was her that sent us the information on Marcus?" she demanded confidently. She had him.

Spider-man swallowed and paused for too long. "....she left me a note!"


"Yeah! She's always leaving notes. You know with the little cat drawings..."

"She left a detailed note explaining that she wanted to provide evidence against Marcus Graywall in particular."


"Spider-man! You are obviously lying, now tell me what really happened!" She charged toward him and he backed up a few big steps with his hands up in surrender.

"Okay! She told me. And she temporarily disabled my web-shooters and escaped. I'm sorry!"

"Ugh!" Yuri raged. "She didn't happen to seduce you by any chance...? Because you assured me that your romantic history with her was in the past."

"What! No! It is! Way in the past." Spider-man insisted.

Yuri's phone beeped. She took it out of her pocket and looked at it. Spider-man hoped this meant that he could breathe a sigh of relief.

Yuri explained while she swiped through her phone, "Anonymous tips have been pouring in about the Black Cat since yesterday. Most of it's bullshit. But Officer Thompson just sent me...."

Spider-man had a frightening feeling as she paused awkwardly for much too long. She looked up at him with an accusing look. She tilted her head mockingly and lifted her phone to show him the picture on it. "That your pale little ass?"

Spider-man's heart pounded in his throat as he saw the picture of him and Black Cat entangled in sex against the brick chimney from less than an hour ago. It was taken from far away, and it was dark out, and the only nudity showing was Spider-man's ass. But it was still pretty obvious what the hero and thief were doing.

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