prologue part 1

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author: alright, I didn't finish chapter legend of korra because i ran out ideas , so im skipping it. now let's do it


on the sabotage mission-excalibur umbra 

grineer: TENNO SUCM!- (get shot in the head)

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grineer: TENNO SUCM!- (get shot in the head)

as the grineer start shooting, he use his bow to shot 3  or 5 grineer and explode it. as he ran pass them, he use his radial javelin to hit 12 grineer as they dead, he still keeps going on his mission. he reach the portal, he pass through it and made it inside of the orokins. he gets the void key and ran through the portal

lotus: your mission was successful, get to the extraction and get the your reward.

y/n: sure thing lotus 

Y/N run to the extraction and made in time, he get his ship and return to his orbiter


30 min later

y/n: so lotus what are we going to do with this key?

lotus: y/n I want you to sent the void key to me

y/n: okay lotus ill sent it, to yo-

the orbiter got hit something

y/n: the fuck, ordis what happen out there!?

ordis: we're being attack by a corpus ships and I think they're trying to corner us, what should we do?

y/n: (thinking and having idea) I have plan, it made sound stupid but I think we had to use the void key

ordis: have you lost your mind, it could cost us damaged, timeline or worse DEATH!

y/n: we don't have a choice here, right now we need to get the hell out of here or we'll be dead.

orbis: I was afraid you say that...

corpus still shooting orbiter

ordis: alright then, I want you put the void key in arsenal. It may now connect it

y/n place the key in the arsenal

ordis: hmm it doesn't too BBBAaadDDDDDDDDD AAAaaTTT aaaAALLLl

y/n: orbis?

ordis: I feEEEel FUuuunnNNY

as the corpus corner them, the orbiter was transport it

as the corpus corner them, the orbiter was transport it

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