Chapter 3 - Picking up signs

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After the dressing up session was done, April put her usual clothes back on, Mikey was still checking on the pictures and rambling about it, so he wasn't paying attention to whatever April was up to, once she was done changing she just sat on his bed, trying to come up with a way to start a new conversation, she glanced over to Mikey a few times, feeling awkward about the silent for some reason, her face felt a bit hot, she started blushing and her cheeks were slowly heating up, she didn't understand why was she getting red or why was the fact she was blushing was making her so on edge and fussy, she tried to rub the red out of her face with her hands which called Mikey's attention.

He didn't quite get what was going on, but he looked down at the photos and tried to guess what was going on, but he felt upset for not understanding what was going on, so he assumes he's somehow making her uncomfortable, so he decided to try to ask her about and talk it out.

🟠 - "Uhh... April? Are you ok? Did I... was it something I said?"

🟡 - "What? Oh, uh... no no, I was just... nevermind."

🟠 - "Did I do something wrong? You look nervous..."

🟡 - "It's nothing, really."

🟠 - "Are you angry?"

🟡 - "What? no..?"

🟠 - "Sad?"

🟡 - "No."

🟠 - "Then... uh... what are you thinking about?"

🟡 - "I... don't know..?"

🟠 - "Then... why are you getting red?"

🟡 - "OH! I-I'm not... uh, I, it's not... I'm fine!"

🟠 - "Hey, if something's bugging you, you can tell me." he sits by her side

🟡 - "H-hum.... I just... I feel..." she blushes a bit more

🟠 - "Uh... April? Are you ok?"

🟡 - "Nothing!"

🟠 - "Nothing... what?"

🟡 - "I-I need some space!" walks out in a rush

🟠 - "W-what?! Uh... bye..?"

🟡 - "I'll be back soon!" slams the door

🟠 - ".... hum.... did I invade her personal space too much? I should probably apologize after she comes back."

April sprints to the kitchen and gets a cup of water, trying to put her thoughts back in order, she couldn't understand why was she getting so flustered about Mikey all of the sudden, they've been friends for a long time, how are her feelings changing just now? It just doesn't makee much sense to her, she chugged on the water like crazy as she slowly started to calm down, her cheeks turned back to their normal color, April took a few long breaths so her heart would stop beating so fast, it helped her relax too, just as she fully calmed down, Raphael walked into the kitchen, startling her.

🟡 - "AAAAAHHH!!"

🔴 - "Woah! Hey, April."

🟡 - "O-oh... hey, Raph... lord, you scared me."

🔴 - "Sorry, I guess. What are you doing?"

🟡 - "Getting a cup of water, you?"

🔴 - "I'm hungry, just came back from a hang out with Casey."

🟡 - "Is that so? where is he? "

🔴 - "He went home, I think."

🟡 - "Really? Huh, I thought he'd come over to hang out as always."

🔴 - "It's probably because he didn't know you were here."

🟡 - "Very funny, Raph."

🔴 - "Hah."

🟡 - "But... can I ask you something real quick?"

🔴 - "Huh? Sure...?"

🟡 - "It's... about Mikey..."

🔴 - "What about him?"

🟡 - "He's... dating anyone? I remember he had a thing with Rennet, right?"

🔴 - "Actually.... no, we heard she got married to a coworker for as far as we know."

🟡 - "Oh?! I-I see."

🔴 - "Why are ya asking? You're interested on him?"

🟡 - "What? No... I guess, I... I've been hanging out with him lately and now... I'm scared Donnie might get a bit..."

🔴 - "Jealous?"

🟡 - "Yeah... I just wanted to make sure I'd have an argument in case he tries anything."

🔴 - "You're worried Donnie is going to fight Mikey over you? That's.... actually... this sounds like the kind of pettiness Donnie would pull off."

🟡 - "Do you think he would get... like... physical... if he fights Mikey?"

🔴 - "Probably, not to a point of actually hurting him badly though, even IF he tried, me and Leo would step in before he did something stupid."

🟡 - "Ok."

🔴 - "But anyway, why are you going out with Mikey, of all people?"

🟡 - "It was... an accident at first, I was trying to avoid Donnie for a change and... well, Mikey happened to be the only one around, but after we hung out... I realized I really enjoyed hanging out with him, it feels... different... in a good way, I found out we had somethings in common too so... we have a good time when we talk."

🔴 - "Huh, never thought you two would get along like that."

🟡 - "Me neither, but... welp, it happened."

🔴 - "If you say so."

While the two talked, Donatello, sneakly sat by the door, eavesdropping on the conversation, he was still fussing over April and Mikey's relationship, and after hearing the things April said, asking about Mikey's relationship status and how she's trying to distance herself from him, this to him was basically all the proof he needed to realize that she was developping feelings for Mikey, which she kind of was, but not even she is fully aware of it, let alone being sure about those feelings, and once again, Donnie was bitting his nails in frustration as he innerly grunted to not make so much noise and give away his location, Mikey came out of his room and was heading to the kitchen to grab some snacks until he saw Donnie sitting angerly by the kitchen's door. 

Confused by his big brother's odd behavior, Mikey approached Donnie and tried to ask him if he was okay, which Donnie responded by trying to whisper screams at Michelangelo, which he didn't understand a single bit, the discussion called Raph and April's attention and they finally noticed Donnie on the door, they were unsure of how long was he there for but they just tried not to think much of it and just walked out to see what was going on, and they saw Donnie insulting Mikey under his breath while Michelangelo seemed confused, a bit distracted and totally disinterested on the sittuation, looking around the lair in a bore, looking for something to stare at until his brother's done with his weird tantrum, Raph and April pushed them apart because Donnie was almost climbing on Mikey just to talk straight to his face, April and Mikey returned to to Mikey's room and Raph just dragged Donnie to the dojo, where master Splinter and Leonardo were meditating, being interrupted by Raphael who briefly explained the sittuation to their father so he would teach Donatello a lesson, which lead Raph and Leo to be dismissed from the room until Splinter's done talking to Donatello.

Purple and Black? No, Orange!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें