Chapter 7 - April's talk

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After a bit of thinking, Casey decides to try his shot at talking with April in private, but since he was more confident about this, he decided to just be a bit more open about it.

⚫ - "Hey, Mikey. Can you excuse me and April for a bit? There's something I need to talk with her about."

🟠 - "Oh, uh, sure.... call me when you're done." he went to the next building that was quite higher

🟡 - "Hum.... what do you want to talk about?"

⚫ - "It's just something I've been picking up on recently..."

🟡 - "What is it?"

⚫ - "Do you have a crush on Mikey?"


⚫ - "Just saying, if you're trying to hide it, you're not doing avery good job."

🟡 - "Oh boy...."

⚫ - "Donnie specially, he's going nuts over you two."

🟡 - "Gosh darn it.... what did he say?"

⚫ - "Eh, didn't really pay attention to it, I think there something about Mikey being a manipulative control freak, I guess."

🟡 - "Urgh... that's just... wow..."

⚫ - "Not even I knew he could go so far, specially about his own brother, he was so passionate about what he was saying that I genuinely couldn't tell if he was lying or not."

🟡 - "Is that why you sent me to get snacks? Did you talk to Mikey about this?"

⚫ - "Well, yes and no, I did ask you to leave for a while so I could talk to Mikey but... it wasn't about Donatello."

🟡 - "No? Then what were you talking about?"

⚫ - "I'm gonna be full honest with you, we were talking about you."

🟡 - "What?!?"

⚫ - "I wanted to know what he thought about you and everything, and boy, was I surprised with what I heard."

🟡 - "Oh god, did he notice my... whole deal?"

⚫ - "A bit. But he's convinced that it's all on his head."

🟡 - "And... how does he feel about it?"

⚫ - "He fell."

🟡 - "What?"

⚫ - "He fell for it, for you."

🟡 - "He... did..? Wait, HE REALLY DID?!?"

⚫ - "Yeah, a bit, he said he was still thinking about it, but he's pretty flattered."

🟡 - "Oh..." she blushed 

⚫ - "Wow, red head AND red face?! Cool."

🟡 - "Oh, leave me alone!"

⚫ - "Hahahah!"

🟡 - "Do you think... if I tell him what I feel... could we work out?"

⚫ - "I mean, I'm not to one to tell, he's still trying to understand how he feels, and there's the whole thing with Donatello, he's still nervous about everything so... try to hold the horses for a bit ok, maybe talk to him about it in private before confessing."

🟡 - "That sounds like a plan, I guess."

⚫ - "I just think that this is a nice first step, considering how Mikey was when we talked."

🟡 - "I see, but I'm kind of worried about Donatello too."

⚫ - "Well, this is a pretty big concern."

🟡 - "He's been acting a bit nasty to Mikey recently, I can't help but feel like this is my fault."

⚫ - "Love isn't something you really have control over, you didn't exactly chose to feel this way."

🟡 - "I know that but... maybe I shouldn't have let myself get carried away, or told Raphael about it, Donnie heard what I said and he immediately lashed out on Michelangelo."

⚫ - "This sounds serious."

🟡 - "Yeah, it's odd, his brothers always jump in or judge Raph when he does this sort of thing, but strangely enough, they're not doing anything about Donnie, Splinter's scoldings don't seem to be working either."

⚫ - "Hum, yeah, he seems really out of line about all this, but I don't really know how to deal with his hissy fits."

🟡 - "Yeah, I think Mikey and I will have to leave the lair if we need to have some privacy, maybe we could go to my house but... the others know where it is, so they could just come around and interrupt us.."

⚫ - "Maybe you could run away with him or something, hahah." he said jokingly

🟡 - "..."

⚫ - "April?"

🟡 - "Hum?"

⚫ - "You heard me?"

🟡 - "Y-yeah, it actually made me think."

⚫ - "... April, you're not running away with Michelangelo, are you?"

🟡 - "What? No..."

⚫ - "You sure?"

🟡 - "Yeah, I mean, where would I even go?"

⚫ - "I hope you won't plan any wicked plan to get away with him, right?"

🟡 - "No... no.... of course not, I'm just... *sigh* stressed out."

⚫ - "Ok, ok... do you have any other ideas?"

🟡 - "I mean... no, not quite yet, I was just hoping to gather the courage to actually tell him, like you said, he's not sure about what I'm doing, I think I ended up making things too overwhelming for him, maybe I got carried away?"

⚫ - "Ehhhh not that much."

🟡 - "Hum... maybe we could go to the farmhouse every now and then."

⚫ - "Damn it, April, I was just joking, you and Mikey can't run away together, this isn't some kind of dramatic soap opera."

🟡 - "I'm just joking! But even if I wasn't it wouldn't be running away, it would be more like a vacation or something, chill."

⚫ - "Ok, but what about Donnie."

🟡 - *sigh* "I'm honestly getting fed up with him, maybe if I'm stern enough I can put him in his place."

⚫ - "Good Idea, maybe get some help from Sensei too, he might keep an eye on Donnie so he'll leave you alone."

🟡 - "I once felt like cutting them off my life and starting over new somewhere else, but now, I don't think I can, specially now that I'm liking Mikey, I can't just cut ties with all of them and just keeping in touch with Mikey, but I can't cut Donnie out of my life and still be friends with the rest of his family, urgh, this is so complicated."

⚫ - "We're teens, Ginger. Nothing is that easy for us just yet."

🟡 - "You might be right..."

⚫ - "Do you have anything else to say?"

🟡 - ".... no, not really..."

⚫ - "Should we tell Michelangelo to go back over?"

🟡 - "Yeah... that'd be nice."

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