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Time keeps ticking, and yet... i feel like nothing has changed

every second, every minute, and every hour passes by me in a blur

I close my eyes to take a break

only increasing the gap even more

time goes by me day by day

what is to become of me?
me who is racing against time

even when i don't want to, i am made to

At times it feels like time is on my side

right now... it does not

i feel it haunting me, taunting at me, judging me

The moment I start to feel like i have caught up, it slips away

i reach for it but to no avail

it is apparent time does not wait

yet I wished it did

small moments of pleasure i wish to freeze

days of sorrows i wish would leave

is this what time does to a person-
does everyone grow weary of it?

why does it feel as though time is against me?

i've done my part, and managed it well,
until i no longer had control.

time is unfeeling.

even if you get stuck, time will still fly, and leave you behind.

Irrational ThoughtsWhere stories live. Discover now