Chapter 4: Lessons in Two Worlds

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As the days passed, Izuku, Katsuki, Harry, and Draco found themselves immersed in the magical world of Hogwarts, attending classes and learning about the art of wizardry. Meanwhile, the students of Hogwarts were introduced to the world of quirks, honing their abilities under the guidance of All Might and the U.A. staff.

Izuku was particularly fascinated by the study of magical creatures at Hogwarts. Hagrid, the Keeper of Keys and Grounds, took him under his wing, introducing him to the wonders of Hippogriffs, Thestrals, and Blast-Ended Skrewts. The experience allowed Izuku to expand his understanding of the animal kingdom and how his quirk, One For All, could potentially interact with magical creatures.

Katsuki, always eager for a challenge, was drawn to the rigorous training and dueling classes at Hogwarts. He found an unlikely mentor in Professor McGonagall, who recognized his incredible potential. With her guidance, Katsuki refined his Explosive Quirk, making it even more formidable.

At the same time, Harry and Draco attended Quirk Training classes at U.A., where they learned about the diverse range of abilities the students possessed. Harry's natural talent for quirkless combat and Draco's innate magical ability proved invaluable.

In the evenings, the four of them would gather in the Room of Requirement, a magical space that catered to their needs. They exchanged stories, spells, and quirk techniques, and their friendships deepened. Harry and Katsuki discovered they had more in common than they initially thought, both having faced adversity in their younger years.

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