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Day 16: Dimension.
I was going to do something relating to Magolor Epilogue for this one, but I figured "Hey, I should draw something more wholesome instead of infinite suffering like the one before last!" And I guess Kirby Clash IS still related to Magolor Epilogue thanks to the reveal from the credits, so... yee.
Also, just as a heads-up, the next few pictures might (read: will) be a little late. See, I was watching the latest Disney Plus short, Once Upon a Studio, and after it was over I spent exactly ten minutes texting my mother about it while wiping tears out of my eyes. Not even a joke. I was literally sobbing by the end of it because of how ridiculously cute it was, and I have absolutely no shame in telling y'all this. If you haven't seen it yet and you have either YouTube or Disney Plus, GO WATCH IT. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen.
So yeah, I was not able to get the next picture done, but I will be catching up on things tonight. I apologize for the delay.

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