Artist's Choice (Finale)

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Day 31, Freebie.
And that marks the end of KirbyTober 2023! Whew... that was a LOT harder than I expected, but I think overall I nailed it. I'm definitely not going to do this next year, or at least that's the plan for now. But who knows? Maybe I'll change my mind.
Now I'm going to admit: I had initially planned to do much more with this final picture. I was going to have Kirby alongside every single Dream Friend (Mage Sisters included), and I wanted the general vibe to be like they were all taking a photo together (which is something I'm tying into my story when I get to it). Unfortunately I was a little crunched for time, so I had to narrow it down and eventually settled on just Kirby with a Friend Heart. But hey, I salvaged a little bit!
In the spirit of the season, I was also going to do a spooky variant where everyone was in a different costume, based on characters from other games or even another media entirely. But thanks to the time crunch, that idea got canned. Oh well.
Either way, I hope you enjoyed seeing these just as much as I did enjoy drawing them.
Peace out, and remember: have a Happy Halloween!

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