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s e p t e m b e r 2 1 s t


The only thing getting Hyungwon through his first week of school was an impending curiosity.

About multiple different things.

The supposed "killings" that appear on campus.

What was going on with his parents in Canada?

What was up with Wonho?

The boy had shown up to all of his classes, but he always seemed fast asleep, and the teachers seemed too scared of him to wake him up.

His parents hadn't texted him once. Not even an owl came by with a message! Hyungwon tried to send them messages through the only place that actually had Wi-Fi in the whole school - the last floor - but they came back as read but no response.

The thing with the killings was that it had left a fear over everyone's heads. The first week of school it seemed to be one of the main things everyone was talking about, along with how much homework they were getting. Not to mention some girl named Somi breaking up with her boyfriend by dumping him into a puddle of mud in Agility. He apparently cheated on her with one of her ex-friends, who he knew had done bad stuff to Somi. Somi ended things with him a few months ago, on good terms, but then they got back together because he somehow made it seem like none of it was his fault. Somi retaliated even more by writing a song about the whole thing. XOXO - Ryujin showed it to him. She 100% slayed that.

Speaking of Ryujin, she and Yeji were Hyungwon's two best friends now.

They were dating, something he'd suspected earlier, and their relationship was the most problem-free thing he'd ever seen. They honestly just acted like best friends. A few kisses, but other than that, it was a relationship to envy.

"What do you know about Wonho?" Hyungwon asks Yeji, who was twirling her straw in a mango mocktail. They were sitting on a rooftop cafe trying to figure out their History homework assignment about ancient sorcery development.

Yeji looks up from her drink. "Your roommate? I don't know much. You should ask Wooyoung. He's good with gossip, plus his family practically knows everyone."

"Ah. Okay."

"I do know one thing though, but first tell me this: why are you so curious about him?"

"I'm not really sure. I guess its the way he holds himself, and the dark aura I feel around him. It's irregular."

"He's the most powerful vampire in the world."

"I see." Hyungwon reaches to pick up his pencil when he freezes and really digests what Yeji just said.

"Most powerful vampire? In the world?"

"That's what I said, yes."

Hyungwon's gaze shifts downward. "Blood..." he says under his breath.


"Nothing, never mind. Let's finish this up. Who killed Via in 134 AD?"

"Bitch, I don't know! I don't even know who Via is!"

Hyungwon laughs. "She was the first half-demon. Persecuted for her religion, hanged for her sexuality."

Yeji's eyes widen. "Okay, now I'm interested."

"She was asexual, which, where she was from, was seen as a crime. I mean, who wouldn't wanna get married to a buff guy with tattoos? Here," Hyungwon turns his computer to her. "Read it."

Yeji's eyes skim the pages, her expression changing line after line.

After she finishes, she exhales. "And what are we doing on this?"

"Just an essay of her life. We're allowed to add a personal analysis to the end as well."

"Oh, most definitely." Yeji stretches her arms and sticks in her wireless headphones. "Don't bother me, I'm gonna ace this."

"You do you, girl." With that, Hyungwon gets to work on his piece.

"You might want to sit down. This will take a bit."

Hyungwon nods and takes a seat on his bed.

"So, Lee Hoseok. Or, as he likes to be called, Wonho.

"Wonho had a rough childhood. I don't know the specifics, but he was born of some sort of affair. His father is Dracula, or Lee Jongeun. His mother, Kim Gaehyeom, was half fire elf, half vampire. She's dead. Most assumptions are that Sunmi, Dracula's wife, killed her. But who knows."

Wooyoung adjusts his position. "What's your blood type?"


"Your blood type?"

"Oh, um - O 100, or pureblood."

"That's like a one in a million chance!" Wooyoung exclaims. "No wonder Wonho was asking about you! As the most powerful vampire, your blood means taking his abilities to, like, god-level! Now that I think about it, though," he adds, resting his fist under his chin. "That could attract all vampires, not just Wonho. You have to steer clear of all of them. Show weakness, and in an instance they'll pounce.

"Due to the fact that vampires are triggered easily, they sit separately during lunch, in a private chamber where they can get their blood supply. Be wary, of course. Especially of Wonho. We can't do anything if we're asleep, but make sure it's never just you and him in a room."

"Understood," Hyungwon says, even though a small part of him argued that Wonho may not be as bad as Wooyoung describes him to be.

𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒓𝒆𝒅  ;;  ʜʏᴜɴɢᴡᴏɴʜᴏTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang