Chapter Two: Amy's Birthday Outting

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Sonic had finished fighting Shadow and was now running to the spot he and his friends usually met up at: The ledge of the cliff near their home.

Sonic: Hey guys! Sorry I'm late!

Tails: Are you okay? Shadow didn't hurt you too much, did he?

Sonic: No! He didn't really put up a fight! Though, he kept saying weird things like [He imitated Shadow] "Grr... This isn't over, Sonic... I tried to warn you, but you won't listen! Soon, you'll see the consequences of what's to come, and I won't be helping you!" He's such a weirdo...

Tails: Maybe you should take his word for it... He could be trying to warn you about something...

Sonic: Eh! I ain't too worried about what happens in the future! Besides, if something does happen, I know that if we work together, we'll get through our troubles!

Tails: And that's what makes us a great team!

Sonic: Speaking of which... [He grabbed Tails and Knuckles and took them away from Amy] Is everything prepared?

Tails: Decorations, check!

Knuckles: Sweet buffet, check!

Sonic: And that's only a warm-up birthday present! I've got something big!

Amy: [She walked up to the boys] Whatcha guys talking about?

Sonic: Oh, nothing! [He gave Tails and Knuckles a wink] Nothing but the start of an amazing birthday for our amazing friend, that is! Tails, now! [Tails pushed a button on a control pad he had, revealing a table covered in balloons, streamers, and sweets]

Amy: What in the...

Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles: SURPRISE!!!!!

Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles: SURPRISE!!!!!

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Sonic: Happy birthday, Amy!

Tails: This took us all day yesterday to prepare! We hope you like it!

Amy: You guys, I love it! Thank you! [She went over to Tails and playfully ruffled the fur on his head as a thank you, then went over to Knuckles and gave him a fist bump] You guys really are the best!

Knuckles: You really have Sonic to thank for all this! He's the one who came up with the idea!

Amy: I was just about to thank him! [She ran over to Sonic and gave him a hug] Thank you, Sonic!

Sonic: Of course, Amy! You're our friend! Now hurry up and get some food! This is only the beginning of your birthday present! [The main four went over and got some sweets, sat down at a different table, and started eating]

Amy: [She took a bite of the cupcake she had and smiled] Wow! This is delicious! Did you guys make these yourselves?

Sonic: Uh... Yeah! Totally! [Thinking] No... No, we didn't...

Amy: Wow! You guys did such a great job! Thank you for doing this!

Sonic: No problem, Ames! But don't think this is the only thing we're doing!

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