002. late night meetings

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Percy was very insistent about the existence of Mrs. Dodds. In all honesty it kind of made him seem like a crazy person. It was getting harder and harder to lie to him. To him, there was no way that his unimaginative self had dreamed up this teacher. He was getting so desperate that he had resorted to questioning Dominique about the teacher. 

"Hey, remember when Mrs. Dodds threw us into detention because you nearly set me on fire?" Percy had asked one day. 

Dominique raised a brow at the question. Of course she remembered. It hadn't been a good day for her, but Percy had been particularly annoying that day. Her roommate loved burning candles, so she did the only thing she thought was reasonable. She stole it and attempted to burn Percy's hair during pre-algebra. Just as she was about to light him up, Mrs. Dodds caught her. She just guessed that Mrs. Dodds wanted to be the one to kill him. 

"Erm, pretty sure that was Mrs. Kerr. Boy, was she angry, probably thought we were going to commit arson or something. Not that I've thought of it." She looked at him in mock worry. "Rethink your memory, it was Mrs. Kerr that put us in detention. Jackson, do we need to call a mental institution for you?"

He instantly scowled at her and left her standing in the hallway, students bustling around her. She turned her head towards the Latin classroom and saw that Chiron had been watching the interaction. It was her turn to scowl as she made her way towards the disguised centaur. "Mr. Brunner, when're you going to do something about the situation?" She asked in a hushed whisper. "He's getting even more annoying as the days go by!"

"Patience, child." He told her. "Grover and I are going to discuss more of it later, you and Zachary are free join us if you wish."

Oh, she would be there and she would make sure to get at least some information.


The group met later at night in Chiron's office, discussing the issue of Percy Jackson.

"I'm worried about Percy, sir." Grover voiced his concerns. 

Zachary nodded in agreement. "It's bad enough that he's going to be alone this summer. What's going to happen to him next year?"

"I mean, a Kindly One in the school! Now that we know for sure, and they know too-"

"I may not like Jackson, but it's not like I'd want him to be brutally eaten by some random monster." Dominique added. 

Grover and Zachary shot her a look. "Dom, didn't you try to literally set him on fire just a few months ago?" Zachary skeptically asked. 

Dominique rolled her eyes and huffed. "I didn't try to set him on fire. I just wanted to-" she paused, trying to think of the correct way to word it. "-I just wanted to singe off his hair, just a little bit."

"Still, you tried to set him on fire!"

"We would only make matters worse by rushing him." Chiron interrupted their squabble. "We need the boy to mature more."

Dominique snorted, a sound her grandmother, surely wouldn't be proud of. "Jackson, mature? You'll have to wait a while for that, Chiron."

Grover panicked, ignoring the girl's comment. "But he may not have time. The summer solstice deadline-"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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