Let sleeping dogs lie

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"Took you long enough. What did you try to get Toji's number?" Gojo says nudging you in the side and you elbow him in the ribs. "Ow!" He yells. You smirk and Geto laughs "That's what you getting for teasing her." "Was not. It was a genuine question." He says pouting. You're about 15 minutes into your 20-minute walk home when you suddenly feel the need to vomit again. "Uh, guys I think I'm gonna be sick." You say as you stop and throw up narrowly missing Gojo's feet. Geto holds your hair back and rubs circles on your back and then turns to Gojo who's already walking to the drug store to grab you some water and medicine.

Geto leads you over to the park across the street from where you are and you sit there savoring the cool autumn breeze. A few minutes later Gojo returns with your water and medicine and hands it to you. You take it and mumble out a thank you to him. He just nods and then takes a seat on the other side of you.

Geto then asks "Feeling a little better?" "Yeah, sorry about all this. You know I don't usually get drunk like this." "No need for apologies. You had a shit day and then to top it off you see Toji Zenin." "What are the odds, of all the bars, you'd walk into the one Toji works at," Gojo says shaking his head in disbelief. And honestly, you can't help thinking the same thing. What kind of plan, fate, destiny, or whatever is at work here and what does it want from you?

When you finally reach your apartment, Geto takes your keys from you unlocks the door and you all walk in taking off your shoes. You head straight to the bathroom to shower. Gojo and Geto have been at your place more times than you can count. They know how to make themselves at home.

You allow the hot water to soak into your bones undoing all the tension you've felt this whole week. Thankfully you don't have to work tomorrow. Although you do have to prepare a final presentation for the meeting with this big company your team is trying to land next week. You sigh. You love your job but sometimes it's a pain in the ass. You work for an advertising company that Gojo's family started. You met Gojo and Geto in college. And the three of you have been inseparable ever since.

After your shower, you make your way to the living room where you hear Gojo and Geto arguing over who's sleeping where. You sigh and make your way to the kitchen to grab some water. "Forget it I'll just sleep with __," Gojo says sticking his tongue out at Geto. "As if she'd let you anywhere near her," Geto responds rolling his eyes and you can't help but laugh. "Hey! What's so funny?" Gojo asks. "Nothing, nothing. You can both sleep with me. It's fine. But as soon as you start snoring," you glare and point at Gojo who throws his hands up defensively "you get kicked out." You finish.

They smile at you and then argue about who's going to shower first. You chuckle. They've always been like this ever since you've known them. They knew each other long before you but you somehow melded with the duo as if you were always meant to be a trio.

You go to lay in bed and start scrolling through social media hoping you can find Toji's account although you're not sure if he's even on social media. If you really thought about it he wasn't the type to care about that kind of stuff.

Gojo then jumps on the bed knocking your phone out of your hand. "Gojo!" You yell as he climbs off the bed to grab your phone. "Sorry, sorry." You just roll your eyes and go back to what you were doing while Gojo sits at the foot of the bed scrolling through the channels on the TV.

A little while later Geto walks in and sits on the other side of the bed at the top near you. "You okay?" "Yeah yeah, just tired." You say as you place your phone on the nightstand realizing that it's almost 2 a.m.

"Since you guys are here already we can finish the final preparations for that presentation next week." Gojo groans "Do we have to?" "Well weren't we planning to come over anyway tomorrow, well today," Geto says looking at the time "to finish." "At least we get to sleep in some." You say "Not that I sleep that much anyway." Gojo responds rolling his eyes. "Yeah yeah, whatever. Well, I'm going to sleep. See you guys in the morning."

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