What the fuck is this? A drama novel or movie?

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"Hi, I'm y/n," you say extending your hand to the restaurant owner standing in front of you. "Mark, nice to meet you." "Likewise." You say as you follow the man to a booth in the back of the restaurant. He gestures for you to take a seat and you do shrugging off your jacket and placing it on the seat next to you. "I thought we'd eat and talk. I'd like you to know the restaurant before you advertise the restaurant." "That makes sense and I'm always down for free food." You say smiling. The man chuckles.

The waiters bring out all their signature menu items. You eat commenting on each one and chat about how each dish came about. After trying over seven different dishes, Mark asks "Would you care to try a few of our signature cocktails?" "Hmm...a sip of each should be fine. I am still on the clock." Mark laughs and waves his hand so the waiter can bring over the cocktails.

"And what's the story behind these?" You say pointing to the row of drinks sitting in front of you. Mark answers your questions. After about another hour or so of talking, you extend your hand to Mark again. "It has been a pleasure chatting with you and trying all these delicious menu items. I'm going to draw up some ad ideas and then get in touch with you so we can set a time for you to come and look over the proposals. How does that sound?"

Mark smiles at you and shakes your hand. "Perfect. Thank you so much for your time y/n. Are you going to be okay getting home?" "I'm not driving." You say chuckling. He nods his head and leads you to the door and you bid farewell.

Once you get outside the cool winter air slaps you in the face and you hurry to bury your face in your scarf. In a few days, you get to see your nephew and brother you can't wait. You pull out your phone to shoot a quick text to your brother.

>You: Jin, please be safe on the roads. It's supposed to storm in a few days.

>Brother: I know, I know. We're going to try to leave before the storm hits so we'll see you soon.

>You: I love you loser, you know that right?

>Brother: Love you too.

You put your phone away and try to hail a taxi. You're not having much luck and so you end up walking a little further down the block. As you huddle your face closer into your scarf you knock into someone. Your whole body feels like it's come alive when you hear that familiar voice "Oh fuck watch where...You!" "I have a name and it's not you." You say rolling your eyes.

Toji smirks at you. "Well until you tell me your name I guess you're just going to have to accept whatever I come up with huh?" You don't reply but just stare at him. "Hmm, what about pretty girl?" You roll your eyes. "Anyway... what are you doing here?" You ask.

"Ah running some errands for the bar. You?" "Had a meeting with a restaurant who wants our company to do their advertising." "Nice. Do you need a ride?" "No, I'm fine. But thanks." "You sure?" He asks. "Yeah, my mom told me to never get into cars with strangers." You reply dryly. Toji can't help but laugh. "Are we strangers?" "Aren't we?" Toji shrugs his shoulders and then says "I'd like to think we're at least acquaintances." "How could that be possible when you don't even know my name?" "Whose fault is that?" He counters.

You roll your eyes. "Anyway...I gotta go so...bye stranger." Toji just shakes his head chuckles and waves bye as you turn and continue walking down the street. For some reason, something in him doesn't want to let you go. He runs his fingers through his hair mumbles fuck under his breath and starts heading off towards his car.

You can't get the whole interaction out of your mind. It seems no matter where you go these days you run into Toji. It's as if the universe is purposely trying to throw you together in whatever ways it can find just to torture you. You're so completely lost in thought that you don't notice the sleek black car with tinted windows slowly coming to a stop in front of you.

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