Needed time to flirt?

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You groan dreading going to work. You only have two days after today before you have to present your presentation to the heads of Zenin Inc. You believe that the presentation you've all worked on is amazing, exceptional even. You're confident in the work you're submitting for approval.

So imagine your surprise when you submit it for approval Monday morning only for it to be rejected. "What is this exactly? No, no, no this is all wrong," the CEO of Limitless Advertising, Gojo's mother yells as she rips apart the boards you spent all weekend on. She then looks at Gojo and says "had higher expectations of you. You were supposed to be the strongest. How could you submit something like this with your name on it?" Gojo just rolls his eyes.

You pinch his elbow and he looks at you and smirks. Of course, if anyone could get away with being a dick to the CEO it'd be him. You sigh while she continues her rant. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, she says "Out of my office, out of my face. Come back with something better by the end of the day tomorrow. The meeting is the day after that and if you can't come up with something satisfactory by then you may well be out of a job."

And with that, you three exit the office and head to yours. You groan as you sit down and place your head on your desk. "You know Satoru I can understand now why you're the way you are." You say not lifting your head from your desk.

"Wait, huh, what? What do you mean by that?" He says confused. "I think you know what she means," Geto says to which Gojo just stares at him. "I really don't. Can one of you explain?" You lift your head up from the desk and both you and Geto look at each other and then at Gojo and then sigh. "You guys really are horrible friends," Gojo replies to which you and Geto just shrug and laugh.

You all spend the better part of the day strategizing new concepts to show for approval tomorrow. When you look at the time you notice it's a little past six and you could use a change of scenery.

You turn to the boys in your office "Guys, can we pick this up at my place or yours? I need a break from this office decor. I'm losing my sanity little by little the longer I stay here." Gojo laughs "Yeah, meet at your place in like an hour?" "Make that two." You say. They nod and you gather your stuff to head home.

You decide to stop by somewhere to grab food because you're not really in the dinner-making mood. The closest place to you is the bar, Toji's bar. Well... maybe it isn't the closest but you'd be lying if you said you didn't want to see him again. Of course, you'd never admit this to Gojo or Geto.

About 45 minutes later you find yourself a few doors down from the bar. You hesitate and almost turn around.

Don't be pussy ___. You say to yourself. You take a deep breath, square your shoulders, and walk into the bar. It's not as busy as it was Friday when you were here but it's still doing a fair amount of business.

Toji hears the door open and smirks when he sees you. He throws his hands up "If it isn't my favorite customer." You roll your eyes. "Are we doing that whole spiel again?" "What do you mean?" You sigh. "The thing where you say I'm your favorite customer. I say you say that to all your customers and then you say something flirty like no just the pretty ones."

He smirks at you, eyes dancing flirtatiously, and then leans in closer to you and whispers in your ear "Well you're definitely a lot prettier than most of my customers." And you can feel your cheeks heat up. He leans back satisfied with his work.

You clear your throat and then ask "Anything good here to eat?" He hands you a menu. You look it over but you've never had the food here before. "I'll ask again anything good here to eat?" "I gave you the menu." You sigh. "Yeah but I've never eaten here before so I'm not sure what's good and what might not be. So what do you usually eat here?" He lists off a few things and you pick a few and place your order.

Imperfect Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें