Chapter 3: finding a new friend

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Neele van Doorn had been diligently unpacking her belongings, her initial worries about Georgia helping her fading into the background. As she sorted through her boxes, her thoughts wandered back to her family photos and baby pictures, a sentimental collection that held a special place in her heart.

Just as Neele was beginning to wonder if Georgia would actually come over, the door to her apartment swung open, and there stood her captain, Georgia Stanway. Georgia had a sheepish smile on her face and an apologetic tone as she said, "Sorry about being late. Got caught up with something, and I guess I lost track of time."

Neele's worries evaporated at the sight of Georgia's friendly expression. She waved off the apology, her gratitude evident in her eyes. "No problem," she said, her English slowly but surely becoming more fluid.

Georgia continued helping Neele unpack, and as they sifted through the boxes, the atmosphere became more relaxed. Neele found herself sharing tidbits about her childhood. She explained how she had been more of a tomboy in school, always active and energetic. However, she blushed shyly when she admitted, "But, uh, secretly, I'm a nerd at heart. I love reading and learning new things."

Georgia chuckled, finding Neele's confession endearing. "That's interesting," she replied. "I guess we all have our hidden sides, don't we?"

As the two players continued unpacking, they found a box marked "Do Not Open" with the label "Ex-Girlfriend." Georgia hesitated for a moment, her face clouded by uncertainty. She didn't want to pry into Neele's personal life or bring up any painful memories.

Neele, sensing Georgia's discomfort, gently waved it off, saying, "It's a part of my past that I'm moving on from." She didn't want that box to overshadow the camaraderie they were building.

The unpacking continued, and the time flew by. As they placed the last item in its rightful place, Neele let out an audible groan, stretching her limbs to alleviate the tension that had built up. She was grateful for Georgia's help, and her heart swelled with appreciation.

With a warm smile, Neele gave Georgia a heartfelt hug. Her limited English vocabulary made it a bit of a struggle, but she managed to say, "Thank you." It was a simple yet genuine expression of gratitude.

Georgia returned the smile and replied, "You're welcome." She admired Neele's perseverance and determination, and the bond between the two players continued to strengthen.

Before parting ways, Georgia decided to take the next step in building their connection. She handed Neele a slip of paper with her phone number written on it. "Here," she said, "feel free to reach out anytime you need help or just want to chat. We're all a part of this team, and you're a valuable member."

Neele, her face beaming with appreciation, accepted the piece of paper. As she carefully folded it and placed it in her wallet, she realized that the barrier between her limited English and Georgia's understanding was just a small hurdle to overcome. In their world of football, bonds were forged not just on the pitch but also through these moments of kindness and connection.

As Neele watched Georgia leave her apartment, she knew that she was not just a "firecracker" on the field but also a person with a story, aspirations, and now, a friend who would stand by her as she embarked on this new chapter of her life with Bayern Munich.

Fiery Beginnings: a Georgia Stanway story Where stories live. Discover now