Chapter 5: morning coffee and intense training

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The following day, Neele woke up with a renewed sense of excitement. She had wanted to get a nice fresh coffee, and the prospect of spending time outside of training and unpacking was something she was looking forward to.

As she headed to the local coffee shop, Neele couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Her German was still a work in progress, and she was not entirely confident in her language skills. She had been practicing diligently, but speaking in a foreign tongue was always a bit daunting.

When she arrived at the coffee shop, she hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words to place her order. In a moment of frustration, she muttered a Dutch curse under her breath, thinking she was only talking to herself.

However, just as she was about to approach the counter, she heard a voice from behind her, speaking in fluent German and placing her coffee order. She turned around to find Georgia, wearing a casual jacket and ripped jeans, a warm smile on her face.

"Double espresso with a dash of milk, right?" Georgia confirmed, as if she had been ordering Neele's coffee for years.

Neele's surprise quickly gave way to gratitude, and she nodded, a genuine smile breaking across her face. "Yes, that's it. Thank you, Georgia."

Georgia chuckled, "No problem, Neele. I know learning a new language can be tough. But don't worry, we're all here to support you."

As they collected their coffees and found a cozy corner in the coffee shop, Neele couldn't help but feel a deep sense of appreciation for the unexpected friendship that was blossoming between them. Their friendship was like that double espresso - strong, invigorating, and filled with warmth.

Sipping their coffee and enjoying the easy conversation, Neele and Georgia shared stories, laughs, and plans for the upcoming training sessions.

As they finished their coffee and both left in their respective cars heading for the training facility. Training days at Bayern Munich were intense affairs, and this particular day was no exception. As the team gathered in the changing room, they began discussing the formation they would be playing in their upcoming match. The coach outlined the strategies in both German and English, but Neele couldn't help but feel a bit lost amidst the multilingual conversation.

Georgia noticed Neele's confusion and, with a reassuring smile, pulled her aside after the meeting. They found a quiet corner of the changing room, and Georgia began explaining the team's strategy and formation in a way that was easier for Neele to understand. She combined gestures and simplified language to ensure Neele grasped the key points.

With Georgia's guidance, Neele began to piece together the tactical plan, understanding her role in the team's setup. The patience and support of her captain made her feel more at ease, and she was grateful for the assistance.

Training commenced, and the players began a fiercely competitive 11v11 session, where they tested their skills and practiced their newly discussed tactics. Neele was determined to show her worth, and she was ready to give her all.

As the game progressed, Neele found herself in a situation where she needed to clear the ball from a dangerous position. With all her strength, she lunged to make the clearance, but before she knew it, her legs were taken out from under her. She fell to the ground, the wind knocked out of her.

Infuriated, Neele jumped to her feet, ready to confront the player who had taken her down. It was Pernille Harder, and before she could control her temper, she was in Harder's face, her anger evident.

Harder's girlfriend, Magdalena Eriksson, immediately stepped in front of her, yelling at Neele to back down. The situation was escalating rapidly, and emotions ran high. The team's unity was at stake.

Georgia, recognizing the potential for a full-blown confrontation, quickly stepped in between the players, trying to defuse the situation. She spoke firmly, trying to calm both sides and remind them of the importance of team cohesion.

Neele, still seething, reluctantly stepped back, her frustration evident in her growl. She turned and walked away, trying to cool down her emotions.

As Georgia watched Neele leave the heated scene, she couldn't help but mutter to herself, "That's why they call her a firecracker."

In the midst of the tension and drama of the training session, the unity of the team was momentarily tested. Neele's fiery temperament had flared, but it was also a reminder of her passion and determination. As they regrouped and continued their training, they knew that moments like these were part of the journey of forming a cohesive and competitive team.

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