Chapter 8: emotions running high

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The atmosphere in the tunnel leading to the pitch was charged with energy and anticipation. As Neele walked out, she couldn't help but feel the weight of the game ahead. Her heart was racing, and her nerves were evident.

Georgia, who was right behind her, noticed Neele's anxiety and leaned in closer, whispering in her ear, "You've got this, Neele. Just play your game. We're with you."

Neele nodded, grateful for the encouragement. The warmth of Georgia's words did wonders to ease her nerves, and she walked onto the pitch with renewed determination.

The game against Dortmund began intensely, with both teams giving their all. Neele watched from her position in defense, analyzing the opposition's moves and assessing how to best support her team.

In the midst of the action, Georgia scored a beautiful goal, and Neele couldn't help but give her a thumbs-up, her admiration for her captain evident.

As the minutes ticked by, tensions rose on the pitch. In the dying moments of the game, Neele saw an opportunity to clear the ball. She went for it with full force, but it ended up smacking into a Dortmund player. Tempers flared, and the two players began to argue.

Georgia quickly intervened, stepping between the players and urging Neele to calm down. However, the situation escalated when the Dortmund player made a derogatory remark about Neele " heyy Georgia control your whore over here.

Neele, unable to control her anger, snapped and rushed at the player, pushing her forcefully to the ground. The crowd's cheers turned into gasps of surprise and shock.

Georgia, her voice carrying above the noise, yelled loudly at Neele, urging her to stop. But Neele's eyes were full of fire and rage, and it seemed like nothing could hold her back.

The referee, left with no choice, pulled out a red card and held it high. Neele was sent off the field, and she walked back to the changing room, the weight of her actions heavy on her shoulders.

In the changing room, Neele threw her wrist tape angrily, then covered her head with a towel, punching the wall in frustration. She shouted loudly in Dutch, the words expressing her anger and regret. The adrenaline of the game had given way to the harsh reality of her actions.

Neele knew she had let her anger get the best of her, and she had disappointed herself, her teammates, and her captain. It was a painful reminder of the importance of keeping emotions in check, even in the heat of competition.

The changing room was filled with a mix of triumphant cheers and celebratory chatter as the team returned after the game. They had won, and the thrill of victory filled the air.

However, amidst the jubilation, Neele sat alone, still seething with anger at herself for her actions on the pitch. She kept her head down, her hands clenched into fists, as she shook with frustration. Despite the win, the regret weighed heavily on her shoulders.

The sound of her teammates entering the room reached her ears, but she remained lost in her thoughts and her disappointment. She couldn't help but feel like she had let her teammates down, especially Georgia, who had been her biggest supporter.

Georgia, sensing Neele's turmoil, knelt down in front of her, reaching out to gently touch her trembling hands. She tried to soothe and calm Neele, her voice soft and reassuring.

"Neele, it's okay," Georgia said. "We all have tough moments. We'll get through this together."

Neele's anger continued to churn within her. She shook harder, feeling the full weight of her actions and the consequences they had brought. It was a humbling experience, and her disappointment was palpable.

But Georgia, with her unwavering support and understanding, was determined to help Neele find a way to move past this moment of anger. She held Neele in her embrace, offering a sense of comfort and solace, reminding her that she was not alone in facing the consequences of her actions.

The changing room was a space filled with contrasting emotions. On one hand, there was the joy of victory, and on the other, the somber realization of a costly mistake. The strength of the team's unity was now being put to the test as they navigated the complexity of emotions in the aftermath of the game.

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