All Mine

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Cory always thought of himself as a cool, calm, and collected type of guy. Yeah, he had his moments where he was hyper and up for anything, but that was usually something he had to build up to. Usually, he was pretty rational, patient, and respectful to everyone and any situation he'd come across because there was no need to escalate things if it could be talked out.

However, all of that was being tested.

Him and Sai were currently in Los Angeles for a creator event. It was supposed to just be her, but she was allowed to bring a guest, so he joined, and most of the event was going pretty well. It was your standard meet and greets as well as Q&As for the individual creators. A lot of fans were surprised to see Cory, so there was a ton of commotion around Sai's area. That wasn't an issue to him, though, and neither was it to her - the real problem was that there were some unsavory individuals that kept bothering her every chance they could get.

It started during the Q&A. At first, it was teasing questions like 'When would she be single again?' or asking if any of them had a chance at being her new boyfriend in the future. She would laugh it off and give back snarky remarks that most people laughed at. When the meet and greet started though..some people decided to act out.

The first occurrence was, although playful, a tad disrespectful - at least in Cory's eyes. A male fan introduced himself to Sai and took a picture with her before that talked a little more. It all seemed normal until he got down on one knee and took out a small red box. The other fans in line let out sounds of surprise, and Sai looked just as shocked but it settled down slightly when he opened the box to reveal a ring pop.

"Marry my Insanity!" He exclaimed, chuckling at his own foolish behavior. Sai couldn't help but laugh with him (and kind of at him), declining his offer for a very obvious reason. He took it in stride as it was clear he wasn't expecting her to say yes, but she did take the ring pop to eat on later. Cory smiled at the situation, but he would be lying if he said it didn't give him the ick.

The second occurrence happened when the two of them were just walking the floor, checking out the different booths, and meeting some creators. There was a semi-popular streamer named TK there who, unbeknownst to them, had a reputation for talking about female gamers a whole lot. He must've seen that Sai was going to be at the event because the minute he spotted her, the guy almost made a scene about it. He pushed a few people out of the way while getting through a crowd, a smirk evident on his face when he was standing in front of the couple.

"I know that ain't who I think is! Miss Akeeku in the flesh? Damn girl, I ain't think I'd meet ya fine self in person." He admitted, giving her a look over with no sort of shame. Sai let out a nervous chuckle since she wasn't familiar with him. "Oh wooow..heh, well nice to meet"

"TK? I mean, I ain't that big yet, but I'm getting there, ya know? Gonna pop off like that boy Dream did. Get them collabs going. Speaking of.. what about you and me? I told my people i was gonna get that video happening, so you game?" He asked, pulling his phone to try and get her info. Sai looked unsure, and Cory noticed that there was a little crowd forming nearby cause of TK's outburst.

"Well, uh, I'm not.. I'm holding off on collabs right now," She said and noticed how his face turned up with an attitude. "But, uh, ya know I'll let you know in the future about it..!" Was she lying? Probably, but she hated being bombarded with this sort of thing. TK looked like he was going to argue about it, but Cory decided that this conversation was over. He gave the dude a strained smile before taking Sai's hand in his and pulling her away so they could keep walking.

The final straw, however, was during a little after party the event had that night. It was 21 and up, so obviously, there was alcohol being offered as well as some loud music playing...and maybe the smallest hint of weed in the air. Sai was talking with a few female streamers and getting to know them while Cory was sitting a few feet away on one of the many plush couches in the lounge. She was laughing and seemingly having a good time, and he was happy about that.

Of course, something - or rather someone - had to come and ruin things.

A group of guys were walking by the girls, but one of them stopped when he noticed Sai. He made his way around to sit on the couch where the girls were at and blatantly interrupted their conversation to introduce himself. Cory couldn't completely hear what he was saying, but from his view, he could see Sai's face, and her expression seemed to turn more sour the longer the guy talked to her. It was when the guy decided to reach his arm around her shoulder that Cory decided to intervene.

Sai made it very obvious she wasn't comfortable with how close the guy kept getting, and she was ready to yell at him about it until she saw Cory walking up to them. She smiled, but it faltered when he reached out and gently but firmly grabbed her hand. He pulled her off the couch and gave the guy a nasty glare before leaving, a confused Sai trailing behind him.

"Hey, wh-what are you doing? Where are we going?" She asked, and he honestly didn't know. He just wanted the both of them to get away from everyone. He felt like he was gonna snap if another person kept trying to shoot their shot with her right in front of him. That was his biggest pet peeve.

The two of them ended up outside of the venue, the LA streets bustling with nightlife. Cory let go of her hand, rubbing his face as he was starting to come down from...whatever he was feeling. Sai stepped closer to him, a faint smile on her face as she was worried. "I'm-I'm sorry. I don't know why - It was just -"

"Hey, you don't have to say sorry. You didn't do anything wrong. A lot of people were being weird today. I didn't like it, you didn't like it, it's understandable." She reassured. Sai took his hands and replaced them with her own, cupping his face as she they both looked into each other's eyes. There was a glint of anger that was fading away in his as he started to match that same loving look she was giving him. Leaning in, Cory connected their lips into a kiss that held a fiery feeling within it. One of his hands went to the back of her neck to deepen it and Sai had no plans to stop him as she relaxed. It was obvious to her he was getting fiesty and overprotective about her during the whole event.

And maybe even a tad jealous.


A/N: Yes, yes, yes I know I gave this nigga a "this isn't you!" Moment. Shut up lol

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